A momentous wait is over, Let's make history !
A momentous wait is over, with immense excitement, joy and beginning of promising future, see you in few hours. Let's make it history.
A momentous wait is over, Let's make history !
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Who will be 101 Honorees?
नेपाल र नेपालीमा समर्पित्
अमेरिकाको जर्सी सिटी र नेपालको ईन्द्रावती गाउँपालिका बिच सिस्टर सिटी बनाउन दुई मेयरद्वारा सम्झौता
वाह हाम्रो राष्ट्रियता, यो त पहिचानको कुरा पो त ! गर्व गरौं
अमेरिकाको जर्सी सिटी नेपालको झण्डा सिटी हलमा झण्डोत्तोलन गर्ने विश्वमै पहिलो सहर बन्यो
Nepal Flag Raising Ceremony held in Jersey City, first in the USA & World
A Day (September 27) is dedicated to Nepali social worker Dr. Bishnu Maya Pariyar by U.S. City
Indian American community fundraised for Nepal's Earthquake Victims