Updated: Ms. Kiran Chetry is an award-winning Nepali American television journalist and one of the most famous Nepalis in the United States. For more than 2 decades Kiran worked as a National News Anchor and Reporter, including co-hosting CNN’s flagship morning show, American Morning between 2007-2011.

She also worked as a correspondent for NBC’s news magazine program Rock Center and reported for E! Entertainment. Kiran received 2 Peabody Awards, one Emmy citation and 2 Emmy Nominations for her work covering major national news stories. Prior to that she was one of the co-hosts on Fox News Channel’s #1 rated morning show “Fox and Friends” between 2001-2007.

As a graduate of University of Maryland, College Park, Kiran majored in Broadcast Journalism and got her start in TV working at several broadcast stations around the country.
In 2006, Ms. Chetry was named as Top-ten list of TV's Sexiest News Anchors by Maxim magazine, placing third on the list: she was ranked as America's sexiest female anchor and the world's second-sexiest female anchor.
CNN wrote about her reporting, "Kiran Chetry anchors American Morning. Since joining CNN's flagship morning program in April 2007, Chetry has covered several breaking news stories both in the field including the Tucson shooting, Gulf Oil Spill, Virginia Tech massacre, Michael Jackson memorial and San Diego wildfires.
She has also been at the helm of the anchor desk for several breaking stories including the uprising in Egypt, rescue of Chilean Miners, assassination of former Pakistani President Benazir Bhutto, and attempted nightclub bombings in London.
Chetry joined CNN in February 2007 and immediately began anchoring various CNN programs including American Morning, Anderson Cooper 360º, Paula Zahn Now and CNN Newsroom. Previously, Chetry was the anchor of Fox & Friends First and Fox & Friends Weekend for the Fox News Channel. She has covered major breaking news stories including reports from the field during the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the Columbia Space Shuttle disaster, the invasion of Baghdad and Hurricane Katrina."
Read her full intro at: https://www.cnn.com/CNN/anchors_reporters/chetry.kiran.html
Dailyooho.com wrote: "Her seductive smile can capture the hearts of any viewer who will find this news anchor’s tv show. It’s no surprise when she landed 3rd on Maxim Magazine’s ‘TV’s Sexiest News Anchors’ and was also dubbed as ‘America’s Sexiest Female Anchor’. She was born in Nepal and raised in the United States."
Worldpoint.com wrote: "Kiran Chetry offical signed autographed CNN press photograph. ... Very rare collectible of one of the nation's most beautiful and genial news anchors..."
Ms. Cherty earned her Bachelor of Arts in broadcast journalism from University of Maryland, College Park's College of Journalism.
Kiran was born in Patan Hospital (Shanta Bhawan), Patan, Nepal on born August 26, 1974. Seven months later her parents moved their new family to the United States. She lives in Westchester County New York with her husband, daughter and son.
Read more about her at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiran_Chetry
Nepalism.com's ChangeMakers is launched to recognize the trailblazers in our society. Nepalism.com's ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) is an annual listing of individuals and organizations who have greatly contributed to the society, inspire others and shine.
ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA) को घोषणा Nepalism.com has released its first ever annual list of ChangeMakers 2020 (USA). We've witnessed Nepali American diaspora that has been rapidly growing and transforming into a reckoning identity in American mainstream society. The list reflects and represents of them and trailblazer true friends of Nepal and Nepalis. There are 16 distinguished American, 15 women, 38 Nepali American, 9 Nepal returnees, 14 Nepali citizens and 4 distinguished scholars, leaders who were chosen as Changemakers 2020 posthumously. Changemakers 2020 list also includes 12 social/community organizations and 5 Unsung Heroes categories. Exclusive: नेपालीजम डट कमले यो वर्ष सन् २०२० को लागि चुनिने ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA) घोषणा गरेको छ । समाजमा योगदान पुर्याएका या नेपालित्वलाई आफ्नो कर्म क्षेत्रबाट चिनाएका नेपाली अमेरिकन व्यक्ति र नेपाली संघसंस्थाहरुलाई ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) चुनिएको हो । अमेरिकामा अध्ययन र कर्म गरी मातृभूमि नेपाल फर्किएका कर्मवीर नेपालीहरु र नेपाल र नेपालीको निम्ति आफ्नो जीवन र कर्म समर्पण गरेका अमेरिकि नागरिक र संस्थाहरुलाई पनि ChangeMakers बाट सम्मान गरिएको छ । नेपालीजम डट कम पहिलो वर्ष पुरा गरी दोश्रो वर्षमा प्रवेश गरेको अवसरमा डिसेम्वर ७ तारिख Nepalism. com ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA) घोषणा गरिएको हो । यो वर्षको ChangeMakers लिष्टमा कूल ८५ व्यक्तित्व र संघसंस्थाहरुलाई चुनिएको छ जसमध्ये व्यक्तित्वहरू ६८ जना रहेकाछन् भने अमेरिकि १६ जना, महिलाहरु १५ जना, पुरुषहरू ५३ जना, अमेरिकि नेपाली ३८ जना, नेपाल फर्किएका ९ जना र नेपाली नागरिक १४ जना, मरणोपरान्त ४ जना, संघसंस्थाहरू १२ जना र अमुक पौरखी पात्रहरु ५ समूह रहेका छन् । Read details news at: https://www.nepalism.com/post/changemakers2020-list ChangeMakers 2020 (USA): UNSUNG Heroes: We salute to them ! There are numerous unsung, unseen heroes in our Nepali American community that without their sacrifice, dedication, honesty, integrity and hard work we can't imagine a better, prosperous, harmonious American society. Here are the list of those Unsung Heroes: Read details news at: https://www.nepalism.com/post/changemakers-2020-usa-unsung-heroes