There are numerous unsung, unseen heroes in our Nepali American community that without their sacrifice, dedication, honesty, integrity and hard work we can't imagine a better, prosperous, harmonious American society.
Nepalism.com's ChangeMakers is launched to recognize the trailblazers in our society. Nepalism.com's ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) is an annual listing of individuals and organizations who have greatly contributed to the society, inspire others and shine.
Nepalism.com has released its first ever annual list of ChangeMakers 2020 (USA). We've witnessed Nepali American diaspora that has been rapidly growing and transforming into a reckoning identity in American mainstream society. The list reflects and represents of them and trailblazer true friends of Nepal and Nepalis. There are 16 distinguished American, 15 women, 38 Nepali American, 9 Nepal returnees, 14 Nepali citizens and 4 distinguished scholars, leaders who were chosen as Changemakers 2020 posthumously. Changemakers 2020 list also includes 12 social/community organizations and 5 Unsung Heroes categories.
Here are the list of those Unsung Heroes:

1. Unsung Heroes: Nepali American Community Organizations & Community Leaders
We’re recognizing numerous unseen and unsung Nepali American Community Organizations & Community Leaders as ChangeMakers 2020 for their roles during COVID-19 crisis. Without their steadfast, selfless and fearless efforts and dedications our community would be left behind without assistance and greatly impacted.

2. Unsung Heroes: Nepali American Everest Summiteers
We’re recognizing numerous Nepali American Everest Summiteers who have conquered world’s tallest Mt. Everest, helped scaled others and set the world record. They are now Nepal Himalayas true goodwill ambassadors in the United States and so are our ChangeMakers 2020.

3. Unsung Heroes: Nepali American Healthcare Professionals, Frontline & Essential Workers
We’re recognizing Nepali American Doctors, Nurses, Healthcare Professionals, Frontline & Essential Workers who have worked bravely, tirelessly, sincerely and fearlessly providing lifeline services to COVID-19 victims and their desperate families. It’s almost impossible to mentioned individually of all those COVID-19 brave heroes but dedicating them with our ChangeMaker 2020, our salute goes to you!

4. Unsung Heroes: Nepali American Domestic Workers
We’re also recognizing our true goodwill ambassadors- our honest, hardworking Nepali American Domestic Workers who have shown time and again that they are the most trustworthy, sincere and hardworking members of American families. Without these sincere heroes and 24/7 works, American household can’t be run smoothly, raised children safely and maintain healthy community.

5. Unsung Heroes: Nepali American Patriots
Our this year’s last recognition but not least, goes to numerous unseen and unsung Nepali American Patriots who unconditionally support Nepal, their motherland’s cause and put their skill, innovation, sweat and toil to America, their dreamland while pursuing their American dream. They are the beacon of who we are in America. They’re us, they live by principal and stand tall for Nepali cause.
Nepalism.com's ChangeMakers is launched to recognize the trailblazers in our society. Nepalism.com's ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) is an annual listing of individuals and organizations who have greatly contributed to the society, inspire others and shine.

ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA) को घोषणा
Nepalism.com has released its first ever annual list of ChangeMakers 2020 (USA). We've witnessed Nepali American diaspora that has been rapidly growing and transforming into a reckoning identity in American mainstream society. The list reflects and represents of them and trailblazer true friends of Nepal and Nepalis. There are 16 distinguished American, 15 women, 38 Nepali American, 9 Nepal returnees, 14 Nepali citizens and 4 distinguished scholars, leaders who were chosen as Changemakers 2020 posthumously. Changemakers 2020 list also includes 12 social/community organizations and 5 Unsung Heroes categories.
Exclusive: नेपालीजम डट कमले यो वर्ष सन् २०२० को लागि चुनिने ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA) घोषणा गरेको छ । समाजमा योगदान पुर्याएका या नेपालित्वलाई आफ्नो कर्म क्षेत्रबाट चिनाएका नेपाली अमेरिकन व्यक्ति र नेपाली संघसंस्थाहरुलाई ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) चुनिएको हो । अमेरिकामा अध्ययन र कर्म गरी मातृभूमि नेपाल फर्किएका कर्मवीर नेपालीहरु र नेपाल र नेपालीको निम्ति आफ्नो जीवन र कर्म समर्पण गरेका अमेरिकि नागरिक र संस्थाहरुलाई पनि ChangeMakers बाट सम्मान गरिएको छ । नेपालीजम डट कम पहिलो वर्ष पुरा गरी दोश्रो वर्षमा प्रवेश गरेको अवसरमा डिसेम्वर ७ तारिख Nepalism. com ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA) घोषणा गरिएको हो ।
यो वर्षको ChangeMakers लिष्टमा कूल ८५ व्यक्तित्व र संघसंस्थाहरुलाई चुनिएको छ जसमध्ये व्यक्तित्वहरू ६८ जना रहेकाछन् भने अमेरिकि १६ जना, महिलाहरु १५ जना, पुरुषहरू ५३ जना, अमेरिकि नेपाली ३८ जना, नेपाल फर्किएका ९ जना र नेपाली नागरिक १४ जना, मरणोपरान्त ४ जना, संघसंस्थाहरू १२ जना र अमुक पौरखी पात्रहरु ५ समूह रहेका छन् ।
Read details news at: https://www.nepalism.com/post/changemakers2020-list