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ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2021 (North America: Canada & USA) को घोषणा

Writer's picture:'s ChangeMakers is launched to recognize the trailblazers in our society.'s ChangeMakers is an annual listing of individuals and organizations who have greatly contributed to the society, inspire others and shine.

Exclusive: नेपालीजम डट कमले यो वर्ष सन् २०२१ को लागि ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2021 (North America: Canada & USA) सार्वजनिक गरेको छ । अमेरिकाको अलावा क्यानाडाबाट समेत मनोनयन आएकोले यस पालादेखि नर्थ अमेरिका समावेश गरिएको हो । सन् २०२१ को ChangeMakers लिष्टमा कूल ४७ व्यक्तित्व र संघसंस्थाहरुलाई चुनिएको छ जसमध्ये ४० जना व्यक्तित्वहरू रहेकाछन् भने अमेरिकि नेपाली ३० जना, क्यानाडाली नेपाली ६, महिलाहरु ११ जना (२७.५ प्रतिशत), अमेरिकि नागरिक १ जना, नेपाल फर्किएका १ जना, अमेरिकाबाट टाइवानमा रहेका १ जना, मरणोपरान्त १ जना, संघसंस्थाहरू ७ रहेका छन् ।

पोहर साल, सन् २०२० को ChangeMakers लिष्टमा कूल ८५ व्यक्तित्व र संघसंस्थाहरुलाई चुनिएको थियो जसमध्ये ६८ जना व्यक्तित्वहरू रहेकाछन् भने अमेरिकि १६ जना, महिलाहरु १५ जना (२२ प्रतिशत), पुरुषहरू ५३ जना, अमेरिकि नेपाली ३८ जना, नेपाल फर्किएका ९ जना र नेपाली नागरिक १४ जना, मरणोपरान्त ४ जना, संघसंस्थाहरू १२ र अमुक पौरखी पात्रहरु ५ समूह रहेका छन् ।

ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) बारे मा सविस्तार पढ्न सक्नुहुनेछ । समाजमा योगदान पुर्याएका या नेपालित्वलाई आफ्नो कर्म क्षेत्रबाट चिनाएकालाई यो चिनारी प्रदान गरिएको हो ।

ChangeMakers 2021

(परिवर्तनका संवाहक २०२१)

North America (USA & Canada)

परिवर्तनका संवाहकहरुको परिचय अपडेट गरिदैछ...

ChangeMakers’ profile story is being published...

1. Prof. Dr. Kathryn S. March is Nepali people's beloved American author and professor. She is Professor Emerita of Cornell University, Department of Anthropology, celebrated author of several books and research articles on Nepal and Nepali people; poineering anthropologist, and dedicated educator. (USA)

2. Dr. Shyam Karki, research scientist, NRN scholar; Commissioner, Maryland State Commission of South Asian Affairs (2014-2022), founder and former president (1997-2001) of Association of Nepalis in America (ANA). (USA)

3. Prof. Dr. Jeet Joshee, NRN Scholar and Associate Vice President for International Education and Global Engagement and Dean of the College of

Professional and International Education at California State University,

Long Beach (CSULB). (USA)

4. Dr. Suman Raj Timsina, Executive Director at International Development Institute; former banker, Professor, NRN scholar and leader (USA)

5. Rup Karki (Nominated Posthumously), International Powerlifting League Champion and gold medalist who died of heart failure on January 21, 2021. (USA)

6. Krishna Dharabasi, celebrated author (USA/Nepal)

7. Narbada Chhetri, Social activist (USA)

8. Saroj Khanal, actor (USA/Nepal)

9. Shyam Nepali, musician (USA)

10. Binita Poudyal, artist (USA)

11. Dr. Drona Rasaili, NRN scholar (Canada)

12. Dr. Govind Singh Rawat, author (Canada)

13. Dr. Pramod Dhakal, NRN Scholar (Canada/Nepal)

14. Ratan K Jha, NRN leader (USA)

15. Radha Basnyat, NRN and business leader (Canada)

16. Rabina Thapa, VP, NRNA ICC, entreprenuer (USA)

17. Tshering Sherpa, President, United Sherpa Association, USA (USA)

18. Dr. Santosh Sapkota, MD, is an emerging healthcare leader and social stalwart who has been passionately working to advance healthcare in Nepal for decades. He had played instrumental role in fundraising for Nepal Innovation Center in 2021. (USA)

19. Raj Kapoor, musician (USA)

20. Pratik S Raymajhi, Mithila artist (USA)

21. Kabina Maharjan, artist (USA)

22. Ang Kami Sherpa, social activist who rescued more than 250 Nepalis (55 men, 200 women) from Turkey, Greece, Kuwait, Iraq, Malaysia, Mangolia, Thailand, Myanmar, Iran, India and Dubai and was able to brought 7 dead Nepalis back to Nepal from Iraq. (Taiwan)

23. Man Bahadur Rana Magar, Community Leader, President, Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities, International Coordination Committee (USA)

24. Keshab Ram Rai, Social activist (USA)

25. Gita Khatri, author, Chair, Board of Trustee, International Nepali Literary Society (INLS), (USA)

26. Dr. Binod Shah, MD, NRN and Madhesi American community leader. (USA)

27. Rashmi Thapa, Community leader, entrepreneur; VP of Global Gorkha Samaj, Treasurer, Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities, International Coordination Committee, (Canada)

28. NB Tandan, Promoting Nepal through his trucking services since 2012. (Canada)

29. Dr. Pragati Ghimire, MD, MPH, Co-founder, Save Nepal Global Alliance , Co-founder, Institute for Nepal, Executive Director, Hamro Sano Prayas Nepal through which she is able to serve hundreds of thousands needy people in Nepal. (USA)

30. Ujjwal Thakuri, Nine times Guiness World Records holder sportman (USA)

31. Devinder Thapa aka Nepali Tiger, first professional boxer (USA)

32. Sunny Bee KC, Grand Master, 7th dan, world-renowned martial artist (USA)

33. Dhruba Onta, artist (USA)

34. Ram C Kharel, media personality who established first Nepali TV Sagarmatha Television in USA in 1997 (USA)

35. Bijay Thapa, media personality who is speaking, writing only in Nepali language for the last 27 years to communicate with Nepali people. (USA)

36. Bishnu Gurung Ekta, Nepal rertunee from USA, enterpreneur and social activist (Nepal)

37. Kiran Gajmer, singer, composer and winner of The Voice of Nepal season 3 in 2021. He is Bhutanese Nepali origin. (USA)

38. Dinesh Sunar, pioneer professional parkour and gymnast player who earned 5 Guinness World Records in parkour sport. He is also three times national gold medalist in gymnastic in Nepal. (USA)

39. Sauram Raj Tuladhar, award-winning actor whoses most recent work 'Ghar Aau-Come Home' won best film award in Aasha International Film Festival (Dada Saheb Falke award), as well as the audience choice award in Austin Lift Off Film Festival in 2021. (USA)

40. Jamling Lama, High school Basketball player, Secaucus, Sr., Guard (USA)

41. Walung Community of North America (USA)

42. Friends of ADWAN (USA/Nepal)

43. Nepali Education and Cultural Center (NECC) (USA)

44. Nepal Flag-raising Day, City of Jersey City (USA)

45. Lhosar, This popular Buddhist New Year festival is celebrated by Himalayan and Buddhist communities of Nepali origin and Tibetians in USA, Canada and from around the world while successfully creating very unique identity. (USA/Canada/Nepal)

46. Galaxy TV Nepal, launched by USA returnee media personality Rabi Lamichhane. Galaxy TV is effectively changing how reporting is done for the common people's causes. (Nepal)

47. Uttar Ameriki Nepali Kabita (Book), Editor: Krisu Chhetri. Published by Nepal Academy, Nepal Government in 2021. This historic poetry book is compiled with 221 Nepali poets' poetry creations from United States and Canada. (Nepal/USA)


(परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA)

नेपालीजम डट कमले पहिलो पटक सन् २०२० को लागि ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA) घोषणा गरेको हो । समाजमा योगदान पुर्याएका या नेपालित्वलाई आफ्नो कर्म क्षेत्रबाट चिनाएका नेपाली अमेरिकन व्यक्ति र नेपाली संघसंस्थाहरुलाई ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) चुनिएको हो । अमेरिकामा अध्ययन र कर्म गरी मातृभूमि नेपाल फर्किएका कर्मवीर नेपालीहरु र नेपाल र नेपालीको निम्ति आफ्नो जीवन र कर्म समर्पण गरेका अमेरिकि नागरिक र संस्थाहरुलाई पनि ChangeMakers बाट सम्मान गरिएको छ । नेपालीजम डट कम पहिलो वर्ष पुरा गरी दोश्रो वर्षमा प्रवेश गरेको अवसरमा डिसेम्वर ७ तारिख ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA) घोषणा गरिएको हो ।

सन् २०२० को ChangeMakers लिष्टमा कूल ८५ व्यक्तित्व र संघसंस्थाहरुलाई चुनिएको छ जसमध्ये ६८ जना व्यक्तित्वहरू रहेकाछन् भने अमेरिकि १६ जना, महिलाहरु १५ जना (२२ प्रतिशत), पुरुषहरू ५३ जना, अमेरिकि नेपाली ३८ जना, नेपाल फर्किएका ९ जना र नेपाली नागरिक १४ जना, मरणोपरान्त ४ जना, संघसंस्थाहरू १२ र अमुक पौरखी पात्रहरु ५ समूह रहेका छन् ।

ChangeMakers 2020

(परिवर्तनका संवाहक २०२०)


1. AC Sherpa

2. Adhikaar

3. Aishwarya Sharma

4. Ajit Sah

5. Ambika Adhikari, Dr.

6. Amit P. Shah

7. Amrit B. Rai

8. Anjan Shrestha

9. Anna Stirr, Dr.

10. Arjun Karki, Dr.

11. Arjun P. Mainali

12. Arthur Gunn

13. Ashok Gurung

14. Bandana Rana

15. Banshalal Tamang

16. Bimal Nepal

17. Bishnu Maya Pariyar, Hon. D.Litt.

18. Bishnu Poudel, Dr., late

19. Costa Constantinides

20. Curtis Waters

21. Daniel Dromm

22. Diwakar Maharjan


24. GP Koirala Foundation

25. GMIN

26. Hari Sharma Mudvari, Dr.

27. Harry Bhandari

28. Homnath Subedi

29. Homraj Acharya

30. Jolly Amatya

31. Joyce Watterman

32. Kanchan Amatya

33. कोरोना विरूद्ध चेतना एवं सहयोग समूह, न्यू योर्क

34. Kiran Chetry

35. Kiran “Ron” Sitoula

36. Kishor Gurung

37. Krisu Chhetri

38. Kul Chandra Gautam

39. Lila Rai

40. Maggie Doyne

41. Mahabir Pun Magar, Hon. Dr.

42. Manose Singh

43. Marvin A Brustin

44. Mary Colvert Carroll

45. Michael Yun, late

46. Mitrata-Nepal Foundation for Children, Missouri

47. Mohan Gyawali

48. Neelam Karki ‘Niharika’

49. Nepali Jana Samparka Samiti America, Central & Chapter a committees

50. Nepal Youth Foundation

51. Overseas Nepali Unity Forum, USA

52. Pamela Ross

53. Prabal Gurung

54. Prabin Bhattarai

55. Pradip Dhakal

56. Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya

57. Pralhad Pant, Dr.

58. Prem Raja Mahat

59. Pukar Malla, Dr.

60. Rabi Lamichhane

61. Richard C. Blum

62. Rishi P. Dhakal

63. Rolando Lavarro

64. Rotary Club of New York ‘Queens’

65. Sanjita Pradhan

66. Scott DeLisi, Ambassador

67. Shailesh Shrestha

68. Sherry Onna Handlin

69. Sonam Lama

70. Steven M. Fulop, Mayor

71. Ted Riccardi, Prof., late

72. Sukhdev Shah, Dr., late

73. Swarnim Wagle, Dr.

74. Tekraj Paudel

75. NRN NCC of USA (All Chapters)

76. United Sherpa Association Inc. USA

77. Uma Karki Thapa

78. Unsung Heroes: COVID-19 Nepali American Community Organizations & Community Leaders

79. Unsung Heroes: Nepali American Everest Summiteers

80. Unsung Heroes: Nepali American Healthcare Professionals, Frontline & Essential Workers

81. Unsung Heroes: Nepali American Domestic Workers

82. Unsung Heroes: Nepali American Patriots

83. Urgen Sherpa

84. Uttam Babu Shrestha, Dr.

85. William C. Cassel

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