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ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA) को लागि अनलाईन मनोनयन खुल्ला

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Updated: Dec 7, 2020

Exclusive: नेपालीजम डट कमले यो वर्ष सन् २०२० को लागि चुनिने ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA) अनलाईन मनोनयन खुल्ला गरेको छ । नेपाली अमेरिकन व्यक्ति र नेपाली संघसंस्थाहरुलाई मनोनयन गर्न सकिनेछ । समाजमा योगदान पुर्याएका या नेपालित्वलाई आफ्नो कर्म क्षेत्रबाट चिनाएकालाई यो चिनारी दिईनेछ । विगत र वर्तमानमा समाजलाई हानी पुर्याउने, अनैतिक कार्यमा संलग्न रहेको व्यक्ती मनोनयनको लागि अयोग्य ठहरिने छ । एक व्यक्तिले आफू या अन्य २५ जनासम्म मनोनित गर्न सक्नेछ । नोमिनेसनको अन्तिम मिति नोवेम्वर ३० तारिख, २०२० तोकिएकोछ भने नेपालीजम डट कम पहिलो वर्ष पुरा गरी दोश्रो वर्षमा प्रवेश गरेको अवसरमा डिसेम्वर ७ तारिख Nepalism .com ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA) घोषणा गरिने छ ।

अनलाईन मनोनयन गर्न तलको लिङ्कमा जानुहोस्:

Please visit to nominate:

Nomination Rules

How many you can Nominate?

1. You can Nominate up to 25 individuals and organizations. After you reach 25 nominations limit, the Nomination form will be restricted.

Who can Nominate?

2. You can Nominate Yourself or up to 25 other individuals and organizations. After you reach 25 nominations limit, the Nomination form will be restricted.

When is the deadline for Nomination?

3. Nomination deadline is November 30, 2020, 11:59 pm EST. Nomination form will be automatically disabled after this time.

Who is responsible for ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA)?

4. is solely responsible for soliciting nominations, selecting final list of nominees and awarding them with ChangeMakers(परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA) recognition. Final selection of Changemakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA) will be decided by the's ChangeMakers Selection Team.

Who can be Nominated for ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA)?

5. ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA) will be awarded to Nepali American individuals or organizations.

6. Exception: If Non-Nepali American individual or organization has greatly helped to Nepali American community, has its discretion to award ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA).

What Characteristic is required for ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA) Nominee/s?

7. Nominee/s for ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA) should have worked for the betterment of Nepali American community or accel in the the field s/he involves and has positive impact, inspires others and shines the light on Nepali identity before or since January 2020 to November 2020.

8. Nominee for ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA) can also be individual or organization involve in COVID-19 pandemic community relief efforts that have tangible and positive impact in Nepali American community.

Who will be disqualified for ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA)?

9. Nominee/s should be a good standing in the society. Any person involve in harmful, immoral, illicit activities in the past or current will not be selected for the ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA) recognition. If found these activities after awarding this recognition, has the right to revoke the recognition at anytime in the future. We're doing so this to preserve the highest integrity of the ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA) recognition being awarded to individuals or organizations.

10. You agree to's General Disclaimer Policy, Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Copyrights-Intellectual Property Infringement Policy which can be found at:, before Nominating.



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