Nepalism.com's ChangeMakers is launched to recognize the trailblazers in our society. Nepalism.com's ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) is an annual listing of individuals and organizations who have greatly contributed to the society, inspire others and shine.
Nepalism.com has released its first ever annual list of ChangeMakers 2020 (USA). We've witnessed Nepali American diaspora that has been rapidly growing and transforming into a reckoning identity in American mainstream society. The list reflects and represents of them and trailblazer true friends of Nepal and Nepalis. There are 16 distinguished American, 15 women, 38 Nepali American, 9 Nepal returnees, 14 Nepali citizens and 4 distinguished scholars, leaders who were chosen as Changemakers 2020 posthumously. Changemakers 2020 list also includes 12 social/community organizations and 5 Unsung Heroes categories.
Exclusive: नेपालीजम डट कमले यो वर्ष सन् २०२० को लागि चुनिने ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA) घोषणा गरेको छ । समाजमा योगदान पुर्याएका या नेपालित्वलाई आफ्नो कर्म क्षेत्रबाट चिनाएका नेपाली अमेरिकन व्यक्ति र नेपाली संघसंस्थाहरुलाई ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) चुनिएको हो । अमेरिकामा अध्ययन र कर्म गरी मातृभूमि नेपाल फर्किएका कर्मवीर नेपालीहरु र नेपाल र नेपालीको निम्ति आफ्नो जीवन र कर्म समर्पण गरेका अमेरिकि नागरिक र संस्थाहरुलाई पनि ChangeMakers बाट सम्मान गरिएको छ । नेपालीजम डट कम पहिलो वर्ष पुरा गरी दोश्रो वर्षमा प्रवेश गरेको अवसरमा डिसेम्वर ७ तारिख Nepalism. com ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) 2020 (USA) घोषणा गरिएको हो ।
यो वर्षको ChangeMakers लिष्टमा कूल ८५ व्यक्तित्व र संघसंस्थाहरुलाई चुनिएको छ जसमध्ये व्यक्तित्वहरू ६८ जना रहेकाछन् भने अमेरिकि १६ जना, महिलाहरु १५ जना, पुरुषहरू ५३ जना, अमेरिकि नेपाली ३८ जना, नेपाल फर्किएका ९ जना र नेपाली नागरिक १४ जना, मरणोपरान्त ४ जना, संघसंस्थाहरू १२ वटा र अमुक पौरखी पात्रहरु ५ समूह रहेका छन् ।
‘परिवर्तनका संवाहक-२०२०’ मा चुनिएकाहरू निम्नानुसार रहेका छन्:
पूर्व अमेरिकी राजदूत स्कट डेलिसी, सिएनएन हिरो २०१५ म्यागी डोयन, अमेरिकी प्रोफेसर टेडरिकार्डी (मरणोपरान्त), जर्सी सिटी मेयर स्टेभन फुलप, अवैतनिक महावाणिज्यदूत मार्भिन ब्रस्टिन, अमेरिकाको लागि नेपाली राजदूत डा. अर्जुनकुमारकार्की, संरासं महिला आयोग उपाध्यक्ष वन्दना राणा, वरिष्ठ संगीतकार किशोर गुरूंग, पूर्व संरासंसहायक महासचिव कुलचन्द्र गौतम, संरासंका लागि नेपाली स्थाई प्रतिनिधि अमृतबहादुर राई, सामाजिक अभियन्ताहरू डा. महावीर पुन मगर र डा. विष्णुमाया परियार रहेकाछन्।
त्यसैगरी, परिवर्तनका संवाहक सूचीमा सिएनएन पूर्व समाचार वाचिका किरण क्षेत्री, म्यारिल्याण्ड राज्य सभासद ह्यारी भण्डारी, अवैतनिक महावाणिज्यदूत प्रेमराजा महत, राष्ट्रीय योजना आयोगका पूर्व उपाध्यक्ष डा. स्वर्णिम वाग्ले, पत्रकाररवि लामिछाने, डा. पुकार मल्ल, बनस्पतिविद डा. उत्तमबाबु श्रेष्ठ, अर्थविद डा. विष्णु पौडेल (मरणोपरान्त), अमेरिकी आईडल उपबिजेता आर्थर गन (दिवेश पोख्रेल), ईण्डियन हेड सहरका उपमेयर किरण सिटौला, मदन पुरस्कार विजेता साहित्यकार निलम कार्की निहारिका, अनेसास संस्थापक अध्यक्ष हेमनाथ सुवेदी, हर्नडन सहरका काउन्सिल सदस्य प्रदिप ढकाल र डा. अम्बिका अधिकारी छन्।
त्यसैगरी, परिवर्तनका संवाहक सूचीमा न्यू योर्क सिटी काउन्सिल सदस्य कोष्टा कोस्टान्टिडिनेस, जर्सी सिटी पूर्व काउन्सिल प्रेसिडेंट रोलाण्डो लाभारो, जर्सी सिटी काउन्सिल प्रेसिडेंट जोयस वाटरम्यान, अवैतनिक महावाणिज्यदूत म्यारी कारोल, अवैतनिक महावाणिज्यदूत विलियम क्यासेल, ईन्द्रावती गाउँपालिका मेयर वंशलाल तामांग, डा. आन्ना स्टिर, पामेला रोस, पूर्व वाणिज्यदूत कृसु क्षेत्री, पूर्व उपवाणिज्यदूत प्रविन भट्टराई, अवैतनिक महावाणिज्यदूत रिचार्ड ब्लुम, जर्सी सिटी पूर्वकाउन्सिल सदस्य माईल युन (मरणोपरान्त), न्यू योर्क सिटीका काउन्सिल सदस्य डानियल ड्रोम, अमित शाह, टेकराज पौडेल, अवैतनिक महावाणिज्यदूत एसी शेर्पा, अवैतनिक महावाणिज्यदूत रिषी ढकाल, जोली अमात्य, अजित शाह, मोहन ज्ञवाली, प्रज्वल रत्न बज्राचार्य, सन्जिता प्रधान, शैलेस श्रेष्ठ, ऐश्वर्या शर्मा र सेरी वना ह्यान्डलिंगलाई पनि परिवर्तनका संवाहकमा चुनिएकोछ।
त्यसैगरी, परिवर्तनका संवाहक सूचीमा समेटिएका अन्य व्यक्तित्वहरूमा ग्रामी अवार्ड मनोनित बाँसुरीवादक मानोस सिं, कुर्टिस वाटर्स (अभिनव बस्तीकोटी), अन्जन श्रेष्ठ, अर्जुनप्रशाद मैनाली, बिमल नेपाल, अशोक गुरूंग, डा. हरि शर्मा मुडभरी, दिवाकर महर्जन, कन्चन अमात्य, सामाजिक अभियन्ता होमराज आचार्य, डा. प्रह्लाद पन्त, फेसन डिजाईनर प्रबल गुरूंग, उमा कार्की थापा, डा. सुकदेव शाह (मरणोपरान्त), समाजसेवी लिला राई, एनआरएन आईसिसी उपाध्यक्ष सोनाम लामा र उर्गेन शेर्पा रहेकाछन्।
Changemakers (American Citizen)

1. Anna Stirr, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Asian Studies at the University of Hawaii, Manoa.
Dr. Anna Stirr is Associate Professor of Asian Studies at the University of Hawaii, Manoa. She is true Nepali soul dedicating her study and skills on Nepali folk music and folk songs.
She holds a BA in music and religious studies from Lawrence University in Wisconsin, and an MA, MPhil, and PhD in ethnomusicology from Columbia University. She has also taught at Oxford University, Leiden University, and the New School. Her research focuses on music, dance, language, intimacy, and politics in South Asia, particularly in Nepal and the Himalayan region. She performs Nepali folk music as a singer, flutist, and percussionist.
She is the author of Singing Across Divides: Music and Intimate Politics in Nepal (Oxford University Press, 2017), which won the 2019 Bernard S. Cohn Prize for first books on South Asia from the Association for Asian Studies.
Please read her works at: https://annastirr.com/

2. Costa Constantinides, Councilman, New York City, 22nd District
Councilman Costa Constantinides had played pivoted role for Street co-naming, Mt. Everest Way at the intersection of 75th Street and 31st Avenue, Queens, New York on March 12, 2019.
Councilman Constantinides represents the New York City Council’s 22nd District, which includes his native Astoria, as well as Rikers Island, parts of Jackson Heights, Woodside, and East Elmhurst. As chair of the Environmental Protection Committee since 2015, he has been committed to fighting the effects of climate change and keeping it from forever changing New York City’s landscape.
The son of a Greek-Cypriot immigrant and an education activist, Costa grew up immersed in the diverse fabric of Astoria. When he was elected in 2013 with more than 65% of the vote, Costa became the first Greek-Cypriot-American to hold a New York City office. He was elected to his second term in 2017 with 97% of the vote.

3. Daniel Dromm, Councilman, 25th District, New York City
Councilman Daniel Dromm has been closely working with Nepali community organizations and community leaders for the betterment of immigrant families in Jackson heights, Queens area where estimated 30 thousands Nepali American call their home.
Councilman Dromm has been a progressive leader in Queens for over 20 years. Dromm was elected to the New York City Council in 2009 and represents District 25 (Jackson Heights & Elmhurst). He serves as the Chairperson of the Finance Committee. In the Council, Dromm has been a tireless advocate with a proven record of delivering for the community.
Prior to his election, Dromm was an award-winning New York City public school teacher at PS 199Q in Queens from 1984 to 2009. Dromm is a pioneer of the LGBT rights movement in Queens and organized the first Queens LGBT Pride Parade and Festival. A fluent Spanish-speaker, Dromm graduated from Marist College and earned his master’s degree at City College. He lives in Jackson Heights.

4. Joyce Watterman, Council President, City of Jersey City, New Jersey
Council President Joyce Watterman has always been there for Nepali American women and their families in Jersey City which is nation’s most diverse city in the United States. She has played as moral-booster for shy South-Asian women and encouraged everyone to speak up for their rights and social justice.
Note: Biography is being updated...

5. Maggie Doyne, New Jersey, CNN Hero 2015
Maggie Doyne has been helping Nepal’s under-privileged children before she was chosen as CNN Hero in 2015. And she has never given up her dedication. She is our hero too. She inspires others follow her footsteps in supporting the most disadvantaged children.
Please read more about her and her work at: https://blinknow.org/ or, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maggie_Doyne

6. Marvin A Brustin, Honorary Consul General of Nepal, Chicago, Illinois
Hon. Consul General Marvin Brustin is the founder, President and Owner of Brustin and Lundblad, Ltd. He is the Honorary Consul General of Nepal and a member of the Chicago Consular Corps. which consists of 81 Consulates from throughout the world. He is the elected attorney for the Chicago Consular Corps. as well as an elected member for the past five years of the Executive Committee of the Chicago Consular Corps. which consists of 6 Consul Generals, and he is the attorney for the Republic of South Africa, Chicago.
Mr. Brustin was previously Chairman for many years of the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) Advisory Board, a former member of the 3 person Citizens Advisory Committee to the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA), and former Board Member of The Adventurer’s Club, Chicago. He is an Advisory Member of READ, INC. (Rural Education and Development), an organization which builds libraries and funds rural education throughout the Third World, including Nepal, is a Founder’s Board Member of Teen Living, a charity for homeless and troubled teens in the Chicago area. He is also the Founder and Co-Host of “An Evening with the Judges”, discussion panels for inner city youth and an Advisory Board Member of the DePaul University Finance Committee and a Board Member of the American Nepal Medical Foundation.

7. Mary Colvert Carroll, Honorary Consul General of Nepal, Hawaii
Hon. Consul General Mary C. Carroll is the founder and Chairman of the Board of The Nepal Foundation established in 2003 as a tax exempt organization. The Foundation fosters goodwill between the US and Nepal by sponsoring cooperative projects and in country programs that improve the quality of life in Nepal.
In Hawaii the Nepal Foundation sponsors an Artist-in-Residence Program for poor but talented up-and-coming Nepali artists in Nepal.
She said about her work in Nepal, “My work as Consul has been an extension of the 30 years that I have been volunteering in Nepal to promote the country and improve the living standards of its people. My C-V outlines my leadership in many nonprofit organizations in the US. I have used this success to partner with similar organizations in Nepal thereby creating goodwill and world understanding in both countries. It is a lifetime goal.
In addition to my work as a Consul, I plan to continue volunteering in Nepal’s non-profit realm but have successfully completed my last large project there. That project, lasting 8 years, brought a community of about 5,000 people in a remote area of the Solu-Khumbu to the highest standard of living that they could sustain in 7 major areas of daily life.”

8. Michael Yun, (Posthumously), former Councilman, City of Jersey City, New Jersey
A true leader of masses, Jersey City Councilman Michael Yun died of Coronavirus infection on April 6, 2020 who had fundraised thousands of dollars for Nepal’s earthquake victims. His humanitarian act of kindness will be never forgotten by Nepali community. He was also supporting of Jersey City Council’s work on passing Temporary Protected Status (TPS) Resolutions twice for Nepali residing in the United States in 2015 and 2018. Councilman Yun was also big part of the historic Flag Raising for Nepal Ceremony by City of Jersey City and Mayor Stephen M. Fulop. Jersey City has become the first U.S. city to host historic Nepal Flag Raising Ceremony in City Hall Chamber and to hoist the Nepal flag on its building on Friday, June 30, 2017. He was also supportive of City Council‘s historic Sister City Council Resolution on December 19, 2018 paving the path for Jersey City and Nepal’s Indrawati to become the first ever Sister City from modern Nepal in the world.
According to official biography of Councilman Yun from JerseyCityNJ .Gov, “Ward D Councilman Michael Yun had been a Jersey City Heights resident since 1981, after coming to the United States from South Korea to study in March of 1979. He and his wife, Jennifer (Seong Hee Ahn) have owned and operated Garden State News on Central Avenue in the Heights section of Jersey City since 1982.

9. Pamela Ross, Co-founder, Manakamana Fund, California
Ms. Pamela Ross worked as a teacher at the American English Language Institute in Kathmamndu from 1988-1990, and as Director of the University of Wisconsin-Madison College Year in Nepal program from 1990-2000.
Since 1990, Pamela Ross has been running the Manakamana Fund, which provides scholarships for girls to pursue vocational study at campuses in Nepal, in the fields of medicine (Nurse-Midwife, Certified Medical Assistant and Lab Assistant), Education (+2 in Education) and Junior Technical Assistant in Agriculture or Livestock. The aim is to support young women who have no other resources and who will return to their villages after graduation to work in local schools, health posts and start their own businesses. The fund practices affirmative action and give preference to applicants from Dalit communities and from areas where few females complete high school.
In 30 years, the Fund has supported hundreds of girls, many of whom keep in touch and help to recruit good candidates for scholarships.
Ms. Ross lived in Nepal from 1985 - 2010, raised a son there, and still consider Nepal her true home.

10. Richard C. Blum, Honorary Consul General of Nepal, San Francisco, California
Honorary Consul General of Nepal, Richard Charles Blum (born July 31, 1935) is an American investor and husband of United States Senator Dianne Feinstein. He is the chairman and president of Blum Capital, an equity investment management firm.
Read more about his life and works at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_C._Blum

11. Rolando Lavarro, former Council President, City of Jersey City, New Jersey
Councilman Rolando Lavarro made history in November 2011 when he was elected to the City Council in a special election. In doing so, he became the first Asian American elected to City Council in Jersey City. Councilman Lavarro was re-elected in 2013 and was appointed to Council President, again holding that office for the first time as an Asian American.
Councilman Lavarro takes great pride in and values his relationship with Jersey City’s Nepali community. He played a pivotal role in having the historic 2017 Nepal Flag Raising ceremony in Jersey City Hall. Lavarro also sponsored the first Council Resolution in the nation calling on the U.S. Department of State to grant TPS (Temporary Protected Status) for Nepali living in the United States, and facilitated the Sister City signing between City of Jersey City and Nepal’s Indrawati Rural Municipality in 2019. Without his unfailing support to Nepali community’s cause, we wouldn’t be able to shine and be able to make strides in Jersey City.
Rolando Lavarro’s journey in public service started in the 1990’s. He stood outside of the White House where he witnessed 60 and 70 year old Filipino American World War II soldiers chaining themselves to the White House fence – an act of protest because they were stripped of recognition of their U.S. military service as well as the benefits that were promised to them and their families. Inspired by the courage of those soldiers, Lavarro worked with veterans and community over the years, lobbying Congress for Filipino Veterans Equity – the first step on his road fighting for equity and respect for underserved communities.
Prior to serving on the City Council, Rolando Lavarro worked at World Education Services (WES) for over a decade. At WES, his work helped immigrants transitioning and migrating to the United States, providing them assistance in gaining admission to higher education and H1B visas for work. He also worked for the Philippine American Friendship Committee, former Jersey City Councilwoman Mary Donnelly, and former New Jersey Assemblyman Bob Gordon (District 38).
Councilman At-Large Rolando Lavarro has been a stalwart supporter of Jersey City’s immigrant communities. He championed the creation of the first Immigrant Affairs Commission in the state of New Jersey. Lavarro sponsored a resolution urging state legislators to make state colleges and universities more affordable for DREAMers – undocumented students who moved to the United States as minors. Lavarro also pushed and passed a resolution urging the expansion of driver’s licenses to immigrants regardless of status. In 2017, Lavarro championed Sanctuary City; and in 2018 and 2020, Lavarro called for Hudson County to withdraw from a contract with ICE.

12. Scott DeLisi, former American Ambassador to Nepal, founder, Engage Nepal, Virgina
His Excellency Ambassador (Retd.) Scott DeLiSi served as U.S. Ambassador to Nepal between 2010-2012 but he has never forgotten Nepal ever since. Now, Ambassador DeLisi runs Engage Nepal which mission is to help Nepalis in need. Whoever comes across to meet Ambassador DeLisi becomes so impressed and inspired by his selfless commitment to betterment of Nepalis and Nepal. His love affairs with Nepal and her people didn’t end when he left Nepal but his love has blossomed into his life long mission. He had given up his comfort zone and all the pleasure he could have in the United States, but, instead, has engaged himself tirelessly.
We're proud to honor for his noble work. He is truly Nepal’s Goodwill Ambassador. Let’s join our hands whatever small or big way possible. Every dollar counts. With his integrity and signature commitment, every penny will be spent for uplifting of needy people of Nepal, our motherland.
Read more about his work at: https://www.engagenepal.org/mission
Ambassador Scott DeLisi served the government of the United States for almost 35 years as a diplomat, capping his career representing President Barack Obama as the U.S. Ambassador to the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal from March 2010 to July 2012 and as American Ambassador to the Republic of Uganda from 2012 - 2015. He also served as President George W. Bush’s Ambassador to State of Eritrea from 2004 - 2007.
Currently, Ambassador DeLisi is the Executive Director of Engage Nepal, a 501 (c)(3) charity dedicated to helping the people of Nepal as they strive to build a stronger, safer, and more resilient future. In that role he continues the efforts he initiated as Ambassador to bring greater awareness and commitment to the risk reduction and preparedness mission. Arriving in Nepal shortly after the devastating earthquakes in Haiti he energized the US government’s engagement with the Home Ministry, the Nepal Army, and the police, among others to focus on the policy and operations challenges of risk reduction and disaster response. Ambassador DeLisi forged partnerships across US government agencies, and with the UN and other international development actors, to address these concerns. He created the office of disaster risk reduction within the US Embassy, an interagency entity that leveraged the US leadership role to create a series of tabletop exercises, international conferences, and workshops that brought focus and attention to advance planning and preparedness.
In Washington, Ambassador DeLisi was the Director of Career Development and Assignments for the State Department and also the Director domestic assignments, he served as Director for Southern African Affairs and in the Bureaus of Intelligence & Research and of South and Central Asia Affairs. Overseas, he had additional postings in India, Madagascar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and as Deputy Ambassador in Botswana. Ambassador DeLisi was the recipient of two Presidential Rank Awards, the Charles E. Cobb Award for Initiative and Success in Trade Development, the James Clement Dunn Award for Excellence, the CIA Director’s Award, the DIA Director’s Award, and numerous other awards from the Department of State.

13. Sherry Onna Handling, New York
Sherry Onna is Co-Founder of Dance Theater of Nepal (DTON), New York-based organization which promotes Nepali music and culture, was established the late 90’s. It has been able to bring together Nepali artists ANS showcase what typical Nepali culture is by performing numerous traditional Nepali music, folk dance to American audiences. Sherry is true goodwill ambassador of a Nepali culture. She is recipient of Pratt Institutes International Career Achievement Award for her outstanding works.
Note: Biography is being updated...

14. Steven M. Fulop, Mayor, City of Jersey City, New Jersey
Mayor Steven Fulop had played pivotal role for historic Nepal Flag Raising ceremony in Jersey City Hall (2017) which was first not only in the United States but in the world for Nepali flag to be unfurled in government office building. Likewise, TPS (Temporary Protection Status) Council Resolution for Nepalis living in the United States (2015/2018) and historic Sister City signing ceremony between City of Jersey City and Nepal’s Indrawati Rural Municipality (2019) were materialized due to his steadfast leadership. Jersey City is most diverse city in the whole United Sates and Mayor Fulop has been working hard to ensure every community in the city gets their fair shot.
Steven Michael Fulop is the 49th and current Mayor of Jersey City, New Jersey – named the most diverse city in the nation and the soon-to-be largest city in New Jersey.
Since Mayor Fulop took office in 2013, Jersey City residents have seen five consecutive years of stable taxes and four consecutive credit rating upgrades. Meanwhile, more than 300 new police officers have been hired, nearly 1,500 units of affordable housing built or approved, recreation expanded with nearly 30 new programs, nearly $10 million invested in parks and open space, and nearly 800 small businesses opened, creating approximately 10,000 new jobs.
During his time in office, Mayor Fulop has shown what smart, progressive leadership can accomplish – and opened a new chapter for Jersey City.
Under his leadership, Jersey City became the first city in the state – and the 6th city in the country – to ensure paid sick leave. Mayor Fulop has pioneered new ideas for helping prisoners re-enter society; he’s passed legislation to protect small businesses and encouraged more to open shop; made Jersey City one of the greenest cities in the nation. He’s undertaken sweeping public safety reform, with the JCPD now seen as a model for diversity around the nation. And Mayor Fulop has led the city to record economic development that’s benefited families of all income levels. All without raising taxes.
Mayor Fulop is a first-generation American, a lifelong New Jerseyan, a Marine, and a triathlete. He grew up in a Jewish family in Edison, New Jersey, the son of Romanian immigrants. His mother was the daughter of Holocaust survivors and worked in an immigration services office helping others gain citizenship. His father owned a delicatessen nearby in Newark, where Mayor Fulop worked behind the counter as a teenager.
Mayor Fulop graduated from Binghamton University in 1999 and spent time abroad studying at Oxford University in the UK. After college, he joined Goldman Sachs, the investment banking firm, working in Chicago and later in Manhattan and Jersey City. On the morning of September 11, 2001, Mayor Fulop was working in lower Manhattan when he saw the first plane strike the Twin Towers. A few weeks later, he decided to put his career at Goldman Sachs on hold and join the United States Marine Corps.
Mayor Fulop’s Reserve Unit deployed to Iraq in January 2003. There, he served as part of the 6th Engineer Support Battalion. He traveled into Baghdad during the early weeks of the war. In 2006, Mayor Fulop completed his service to the Marine Corps Reserve with the rank of Corporal.
In 2005, Mayor Fulop was first elected to public office as the councilman representing downtown Jersey City. He served as a councilman for eight years before becoming Mayor.

15. Ted Riccardi, Prof., (Posthumously), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1937-September 15, 2020)
Prof. Dr. Ted Riccardi is professor emeritus in the Department of Middle East and Asian Languages and Cultures, Columbia University, New York.
Theodore (Ted) Riccardi, the erudite American professor and researcher in South Asian and Himalayan region with deep interest in Nepali language and culture, died on September 15, 2020 afternoon in New York. He was 83.
Riccardi first came to Nepal in 1968 and started traveling to several streets of Kathmandu to study about the rituals, including jatras of Newari culture. His researches also included the study of the stolen images of the country. He has written a number of articles on Nepal with titles ‘An Account of Nepal from the Vir Vinod of Shyamaldas’ (1975), ‘The Nepala-Rajaparampara: A Short Chronicle of the Kings of Nepal’ (1986), and ‘The Inscription of King Manadeva at Changu Narayan’ (1989).
He began teaching at Columbia in 1968 and served as chairman of his department and as director of Columbia’s Southern Asian Institute in the School of International and Public Affairs. Among his special interests are the history and cultures of India and Nepal, where he has lived and traveled widely and about which he has written extensively.

16. William C. Cassel, Dr., Hon. Consul General of Nepal, Idaho
Dr. William C. Cassell Honorary Nepal Consul General Sun Valley, Idaho USA. Dr. Cassell has been Honorary Consul of Nepal for 37 years.
Dr. Cassell was for 22 years a University President. Because of his contacts with educational institutions he was able to help many Nepalese students attend American Colleges and Universities.
Dr. Cassell has met and worked with the late Sir. Edmund Hillary on projects benefiting Nepal. He has spent much time working with Nepalese citizens on everything from deaths in families to visa problems.
Changemakers (Nepali Citizen)

1. Amrit B. Rai, H.E. Permanent Representative of Nepal to the United Nations, New York
His Excellency Amrit B. Rai, Permanent Representative of Nepal to the United Nations has been playing crucial role as Nepal’s top diplomat at the United Nations and has been able to secure respectable seat as Chair of the Economic and Financial Committee (Second Committee) of the General Assembly at its seventy-fifth session in 2020.
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2. Arjun Kumar Karki, Dr., His Excellency Ambassador, Washington DC
His Excellency Dr. Arjun Kumar Karki is the is the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Government of Nepal to the United States of America, Columbia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Mexico, and Guyana. Dr. Karki is also the Ambassador-Designate to Honduras. In this vast role, Ambassador Dr. Karki has tirelessly work to strengthen the relation between these countries with Nepal. His official role on securing TPS for Nepalis in United States was also crucial.
Dr. Karki has more than 20 years of experience in international relations, international diplomacy, international negotiations, conflict mediation, peace-building as well as development co-operation at the local, national, regional and global levels. He has undertaken the International Diplomacy and Leadership Training from Harvard Law School, USA; the International Diplomacy and Diplomatic Protocol Management Training from EUROPROTOCOL, UK and the International Negotiations: Practical Skills and Techniques Training Course from The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR).
Read his full introduction at: ChangeMakers 2020: H.E. Ambassador Dr. Arjun K Karki

3. Bandana Rana, Vice Chair, Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), UN, New York
Nepal’s trailblazer woman leader Ms. Bandana Rana is the highest ranking Nepali woman to lead the UN’s world women body, Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) as the Vice-chair for the second term (2021-2024).
Ms. Rana has over three-decade long experiences of working in the field of gender equality and women rights.
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4. Banshalal Tamang, Mayor, Indrawati Rural Municipality, Nepal
Nepal returnee, Nepal's rising leader Bansha Lal Tamang is Mayor of Indrawati Rural Municipality, Sindhupalchok, Nepal. He had lived in New York City for 10 years before returning to Nepal in 2017 to serve his community in Sindhupalchok and won local election to become new Nepal’s 1st Mayor of Indrawati Rural Municipality which has $1.5 million yearly budget. While in New York, he co-founded Sindhu-USA Welfare Society in 2010 and greatly helped orphaned children back in Sindhupalchok. He also served as the Member of District Development Committee of Nepal Government before he arrived in the United States that made him eventually returning to his village permanently after respectfully returning his Permanent Resident Card (Green Card) to U.S. Government. His two bright sons study in the U.S. while his wife juggle between two countries.
We congratulate him for being true son of Nepal and working tirelessly for betterment of community in Nepal. His exposure to American systems will greatly help make his rural municipality as model village.
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5. Kishor Gurung, Prominent Musician, Nepal
Mr. Kishor Gurung is the first Nepali to graduate with music degrees from the Western universities in 1992. He was awarded full scholarship to study at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music in California, USA from where he received Bachelor of Music (Classical Guitar) in 1984 and Master of Arts in Ethnomusicology, University of Hawaii, USA in 1992.
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6. Krisu Chhetri, Consul, Nepal
Consul Krisu Chhetri has spent his four years in New York City between 2015-2019 as most popular, helpful government official and diplomat hence bridging the gap between Nepal government and its people. After returning to Nepal, his is best remembered for his tireless service and considered as people’s Consul, best friend and guardian. Besides that, Consul Chhetri is considered as one of the finest contemporary Nepali authors. He has written 7 books on poetry, literature and co-authored and edited more than a dozen books and literary journals.
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7. Kul Chandra Gautam, former Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations, and Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF, Nepal
Kul Chandra Gautam is distinguished international civil servant, development professional, public policy expert, and human rights activist. He had served one of the highest ranking jobs by a Nepali, as Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations, and Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF. In an international career spanning over three decades in many countries and continents, he worked at policy and managerial level to promote the rights and wellbeing of children, women and people in poverty through international development cooperation and humanitarian assistance.
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8. Mahabir Pun Magar, Hon. Dr,. Social reformer, founder, Nepal Innovation Center, Nepal
Nepal's pioneer & legendary social entrepreneur leader Dr. Mahabir Pun Magar is the founder of National Innovation Center which was established in 2012. It is now slowly transforming Nepal by supporting Nepal's young innovators. The center aims to transform the country from least developed into a country of prosperity by the smart innovations. Let's join hands with his noble mission.
Dr. Pun graduated in 1992 from University of Nebraska with a bachelor's degree in Science Education then returned to Nepal and started teaching. After 24 years hiatus, he again came to United States for further higer education. This time, he earned his master's degree in Educational Administration from same University of Nebraska in 2001 then permanently returned to Nepal. The rest is history.
Dr. Pun was honored with Ashoka Fellow (2002), Magsaysay Award (2007), considered by some to be the Nobel Prize of Asia and University of Nebraska awarded Pun an honorary degree Doctor of Humane Letters (2007) for his outstanding work for Nepal.
Dr. Pun was inducted in Internet Hall of Fame in 2014 and the Jonathan B. Postel Service Award (2014) by the Internet Society.
Read more about his life and works at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahabir_Pun

9. Prabin Bhattarai, Nepal
Mr. Prabin Bhattarai had served as Vice Consul of Nepal Government in New York City between 2014-2016 during the time of MRP passport deadline transition for international travel. As act of selfless duty, he was seen with his office-suitcase with passport application materials in Tri-State New York area over the weekends or weekdays tirelessly. He could simply stay at his office and wait for Nepalis flock to the Consulate office but he had chosen to serve. Due to his noble efforts to serve Nepali American community in need of consular service, he had earned as "People's Servant".
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10. Pukar Malla, Dr., economist, innovation specialist, Nepal
Dr. Pukar Malla is Nepali youth activist, economist and a community organizer and innovation specialist. He is a Harvard University graduate (Masters In Public Administration Field Of Study Leadership, Innovation, Development) and Ph. D. holder from Cornell University on Business Administration.
Dr. Malla is founder and Chairperson at Daayitwa Nepal which transformed a volunteer youth platform into a global economic empowerment campaign with vision of an enterprising Nepal where every youth has opportunities for a prosperous future. Dr. Malla is also Leadership Coach at Nepal Leadership Academy,
He confounded Nepal Ko Yuwa (Youth of Nepal), a non-profit organization that connects Nepali youths in Nepal and in diaspora.
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11. Rabi Lamichhane, Prominent journalist, Nepal
Mr. Rabi Lamichhane is one of the most popular broadcast journalists in Nepal. Journalist Lamichhane currently hosts a popular television show, Sidha Kura Janta Sangha (Straight Talk with the People) on the News24 TV Network which aims to expose the social ills.
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12. Swarnim Wagle, Dr., Nepal
Dr. Swarnim Wagle is the former Vice-Chair of the National Planning Commission of Nepal (2017-2018) and Dr. Wagle currently chairs the Institute for Integrated Development Studies (IIDS), a South Asian policy think tank established in Kathmandu in 1979. He has also worked as a senior policy advisor and economist in international organizations like UNDP and the World Bank while in the United States.
Dr. Wagle has worked as an international development professional for more than 20 years, including as Senior Economist at The World Bank in Washington, DC and UNDP offices in Hanoi, Colombo and New York. He co-authored the UNDP’s Global Human Development Report (2013) titled “The Rise of the South.” From 2002 to 2007, he co-led the UNDP Asia Trade Initiative.
Dr. Wagle sits on the Senate of Kathmandu University. He chairs and advises several non-profit organizations. He is a member of the World Bank’s South Asia Championing and Visioning Process, and a member of the South Asia Governing Council of Future Earth. In 1999-2000 he served as South Asia editor of Harvard Asia Quarterly. He has also undertaken short-term assignments at the Asian Development Bank (Manila) and the International Trade Center (Geneva).
Dr. Wagle holds a PhD in Economics from the Australian National University, an MPA in International Development (MPA/ID) from Harvard University, and a BSc (Econ) from the London School of Economics.
Please read more about his works at: https://swarnimwagle.com.np/

13. Tekraj Paudel, Social activist, Nepal
Mr. Tekraj Paudel has returned to motherland Nepal this year in 2020 after 11 years in the United States.
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14. Uttam Babu Shrestha, Dr., nature scientist, Nepal
Dr. Uttam Babu Shrestha is environmental biologist with research interests on climate change and its impact on ecosystems and species, biodiversity and ecosystem services, land use change and human use of natural resources. He is a lead author for the assessments of sustainable use of wild species at the Intergovernmental Panel for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).
Dr. Shrestha served as a m research fellow at the University of Southern Queensland, Australia, and director of the Global Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Please read about his life and works at: https://uttambabu.com/
Changemakers (Nepali American)

1. AC Sherpa, Honorary Consul General of Nepal, Business entrepreneur, Seattle, Washington
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2. Aishwarya Sharma, New Jersey
Aishwarya Sharma has been selected at Rutgers University's Top 250 students in its 250th anniversary in 2016. She has pioneered several programs to support marginalized youth including RUBY and Girls Who Code. She has supported them with mentorship and college readiness.
She has Bachelor of Science in Supply Chain Management and Marketing Science from Rutgers University, Rutgers Business School. She has worked at L’Oreal USA, Amazon, Accenture and CoEnterprise as analytics and business lead.
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3. Ajit Sah, Mithila artist, New York
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4. Ambika Adhikari, Dr., Arizona
Dr. Ambika P. Adhikari, DDes, is a Principal Planner at City of Tempe, AZ, USA heading its long-range planning division. He is also a Sr. Sustainability Scientist and frequent Faculty Associate at Arizona State University (ASU). At ASU, Dr. Adhikari earlier held the positions of Research Professor at the School of Geographical Science and Urban Planning (2014-16), and Program and Portfolio Manager (2012-16). He was the Director of International Programs at DPRA Inc. in Toronto and Washington DC. His work included providing consulting services to various international projects funded by the World Bank, North American Development Bank, and Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).
He received Doctor of Design degree from Harvard University and Master of Architecture from the University of Hawaii. He was a Fellow at Special Program for Urban and Regional Studies (SPURS) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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5. Amit P. Shah, Social Entrepreneur, founder, Miss Nepal US, New York
Mr. Amit Pratap Shah (AP Shah), one of the much-known personalities in Nepali and Asian American community, has lived an exemplary life of service and leadership within short period of time in USA and has served as a role model to young Nepali immigrants. Mr. Shah is a very young, energetic and approachable young entrepreneur and community activist in New York. Currently, Mr. Shah working as Director of Asian American Business Affair of Greater New York Chamber of Commerce. Greater New York Chamber of Commerce is one of the largest Chamber serving 30,000 plus business in Greater New York, USA.
Involved in several social organizations and business ventures, Mr. Shah has played an equally prominent role in Nepali community to bring fellow Nepalese Americans together and organize several historical events to promote identity, integration and empowerment. With mission of promoting Asian Americans cultural and identity in America, Mr. Shah initiated & coordinated several events including New York Holi Cultural Extravaganza (2009-2019), Asian American Hall of fame Award Ceremony/Cultural Extravaganza of Asian Countries in New York (2009 & 2010) & Asian American Heritage Week Celebration at City Hall, New York (2010). In association with Consulate General of Nepal, New York and Greater New York Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Shah successfully organized 1st Nepalese American Business Conference/EXPO at heart of New York City on September 2018 and 2nd EXPO on 2019. He also served as Co-Convener of South Asian NextGen 2018 event organized by South Asian Action Network, New York, USA. Mr. Shah was part of organizing committee as one of the coordinators to successfully organize historical Mount Everest Way street co-naming ceremony jointly organized by New York City Council and Consulate General of Nepal, New York on March 9, 2019.
He is also a founder president and organizing Miss Nepal US national pageant with mission of Empowering Youth & Promoting culture since 2011 and after 7th edition of successful completion in 2019, Miss Nepal US event has become a strong platform for Nepalese Americans youth networking, empowerment & to celebrate their rich Nepalese American cultural heritage while embracing their beauty with pride and dignity in United States of America. So far, $60,000 scholarship has been also awarded to young Nepalese American ladies to support their education/charity work through Miss Nepal US event.
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6. Anjan Shrestha, Social Entrepreneur, founding Secretary, Everest Credit Union, New York
Mr. Anjan K Shrestha is an educated and socially aware individual currently living in New York. He was born and raised in Gorkha Bazar in Nepal and very attached with his Motherland. After completion of his high school in Gorkha, he had lived in various cities in the world to pursue his education advancement. He had travelled more than 20 countries and visited more than 45 cities around the globe. He holds MBA degrees from Tribhuvan University in Nepal, University of Bridgeport in USA and ME from Moscow, Russia. He is also Microsoft Certified Professional and graduated from Investment Banking Institute of New York.
During his professional career, he had worked more than 15 years in various Corporate companies, as a Operation manager at textile division of Daewoo corporation for CIS in Moscow, as a financial analyst at Lehman Brothers and Reedscout Ventures, as the finance and operation director of OZOcar, as a department manager of NYC Green in NYC. In his hard life in America, he had also worked without any days off in food chain Blimpie as a floor helper, worked in Carpet Store as Floor Covering Estimator and drove Uber and black car as driver. Currently, he is working as The CEO of Pariwar Housing Initiative in New York.
When he started his social endeavor, he started his volunteer work in his early age and served as founding Secretary and The President of Leo club of Gorkha and Regional Chairman of Leo Clubs International, District 325, Nepal. He became a volunteer trainer of Micro enterprises creation and development program of GTZ Nepal and helped more than 100 micro businesses in Kathmandu Valley. Right after completion of his MBA from TU He became the youngest lecturer of Drabyashah Multiple Campus in Gorkha. He is politically involved in society from his student life and ran for Deputy Mayor of Gorkha Municipality to bring developmental change and abolish poverty in Gorkha. Since is living in New York, he has been Involving in various social activities to help and support Nepali people here in America and in Nepal. He is a founding director of Grassroot Movement In Nepal (GMIN). He and his couple of friends have started an organization called GMIN from NYC in 2009 to build schools in rural villages of Nepal for poor Nepali children. As of yet, GMIN has built 44 schools in different parts of Nepal, 300 shelters, food, water, medicines, tents and other necessary supplies for more than 1000 earthquake victims in remote villages of Nepal. His organization built One Vocational Training Centers, Two Health Centers in far west of Nepal. He is the Founding President of Gorkha Samaj America. He is also a main initiator of Everest Federal Credit Union (EFCU), the first Nepali Banking Institute in America. Its mission is to help and uplift economic conditions of Nepali people in America.
Currently, he is serving as founder General Secretary of EFCU. He is also one of The Founder Member of Federation of Indigenous People of Nepal in America (FIPNA). The main goal of FIPNA is to preserve the indigenous culture, language and heritage here in The USA and In Nepal. He had also served as Member of Election Commission of NRNA NCC USA. The goal of NRNA USA is to represent and promote the interest, rights, privileges and immunities of NRN in the United States and Nepal.

7. Arjun P. Mainali, prominent blood donor, New York
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8. Arthur Gunn (Dibesh Pokharel), Musician and Songwriter, American Idol 2020 Runner up, Kansas
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9. Ashok Gurung, Senior Policy Maker, New York
Mr. Ashok K. Gurung is Associate Professor at the Julien J. Studley Graduate Program of International Affairs at The New School in New York City. He is engaged with teaching, research, writing, and public debates on questions involving politics and practice of dignity, equal rights, equity, and sustainable futures, especially in South Asia and China.
As one of the founding directors of India China Institute (ICI) at the New School, New York City (January 2005-July 2019), Gurung was responsible for establishing and directing ICI, including a distinct global network of scholars and institutions focused on China and India. He has taught graduate and undergraduate courses on sustainable development, politics and social justice at The New School as well as Columbia University. He has designed and directed field-study program for students from the World College West, Columbia University, and The New School. Among various global engagements, Gurung was the program officer for the International Fellowships Program, the largest innovative global leadership initiative ($280 million) of the Ford Foundation (2000-2003). Since 2015, he is a Steering Committee member of the Himalayan University.
A native of Nepal, Gurung holds an MA in International Affairs from the School of International and Public Affairs of Columbia University and a BA in International Service and Development from World College West in Petaluma, California.
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10. Bimal Nepal, photographer, Boston, Massachusetts
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11. Bishnu Maya Pariyar, Hon. D.Litt., Social Entrepreneur, Sister City Emissary, City of Jersey City, New Jersey
Dr. Bishnu Maya Pariyar is award winning scholar, prolific social entrepreneur, and one of the most admired personalities in Nepali community abroad.
Dr. Pariyar has played pivotal role to have historic Nepal Flag Raising Ceremony (2017) in Jersey City Hall, New Jersey, USA which is the first not only in the United Sates but entire world; Dr. Pariyar also worked on TPS (Temporary Protection Status) City of Jersey City Council Resolution for Nepalis living in the United States in 2015 and 2018. Dr. Pariyar has also been successfully bringing two countries closer as Emissary of Sister City between City of Jersey City and Nepal’s Indrawati Rural Municipality since 2019.
Dr. Pariyar is founding President of ADWAN.ORG, a rights-based Nepali organization which has supported more than 23,000 children and more than 50,000 Dalit and marginalized women and their family members in Nepal since 1998. ADWAN aims to foster a measure of economic independence, to boost self-esteem, dignity and to instill solidarity among diverse community and build a sense of national pride. Through her dedication and passion for the marginalized and Dalit community-the so called low-caste or untouchable people, Dr. Pariyar has overcome tremendous obstacles of gender, caste discrimination and poverty in Nepal as well as challenges that emerged because of socio-economic inequality and exclusion.
Dr. Pariyar has been in forefront of COVID-19 pandemic relief assistance program to needy Nepali and South Asian American community and international students. She has tirelessly led efforts to directly help hundreds of families and F1 students from Nepal and South Asia to receive day-to-day essentials such as masks, medicines, groceries and provided counseling to victims of domestic and sexual violence. Without her steadfast leadership, expertise and prompt and just collaboration, community would be left behind and greatly impacted. Dr. Pariyar’s role as Hudson Speaks’ South Asian Initiative Coordinator, NRNA ICC Executive Member and Nepali American community’s leading figure, she has been able to bring together local government and social organizations together to create coronavirus awareness and provide access to resources available for the most needy and vulnerable people in the United States and Nepal.
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12. Bishnu Poudel, Dr., Senior Economist, (Posthumously), Virginia
A distinguished Nepal born American scholar Professor Dr. Bishnu Poudel, passed away in Virginia on Tuesday, April 14, 2020. He was born on Friday, January 03, 1936. He had had exemplary educational, social, community and academic experiences. He had served in the past as dean, vice president and president of the universities. And as Professor Emeritus he had served as the chairman of the board of Directors of American college of commerce and technology. He also taught courses such as global leadership, geopolitics and management for graduate and doctoral levels students.
Dr. Poudel earned his Ph.D. in international relations from Jawaharlal Nehru University and moved to settle in the USA 50 years ago.
Due to his influence in the party, leaders of Democratic Party had recommended him thrice for American Ambassador to Nepal.

13. Curtis Waters (Abhinav Bastakoti), musician, songwriter, North Carolina
Curtis Waters aka Abhinav Bastakoti (born December 5, 1999), known by his stage name Curtis Waters, is a Nepali Canadian musician and songwriter. Raised primarily in Germany and Canada, he is presently based in Cary, North Carolina, and is known for his 2020 debut single "Stunnin'" featuring Harm Franklin. His debut studio album, Pity Party, was released in October 2020. He was signed by BMG, German music company.
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14. Diwakar Maharjan, Taekwondo Grand Master, 7th Dan Black Belt, First Class International Referee, Oregon
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15. Hari Sharma Mudvari, Dr., founding President, ANA, one of the oldest Nepali organization in the United States, New York
Dr. Sharma is one of the early Nepali immigrants to the US arriving in 1971. A medical doctor by profession, Dr. Sharma is the founding president of the first Nepali association in the continent - Association of Nepalis in the Americas (ANA). Established in 1983, ANA was the main platform for the Nepali community living in the US and Canada to meet each year during the ANA annual convention.
Dr. Sharma was the driving force in establishing the Nepal Education and Cultural Center (NECC) in the Washington DC area. NECC is the first Nepali cultural center in the Americas.
Born in Nepal 1937, Dr. Sharma went to Calcutta for medical school, and after graduation worked in Nepal for 5 years. He earned an MRCP (Member of Royal college of Physicians) in London, UK.
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16. Harry Bhandari, first elected Nepali American politician as Delegate, Maryland State Assembly, Maryland
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17. Homnath Subedi, author, founding President of International Nepali Literary Society (INLS), Virginia
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18. Homraj Acharya, Educationalist, social reformer, Washington DC
Mr. Homraj Acharya is an international development and public policy professional, social justice, climate advocate and a changemaker with over 15 years of experience both in the U.S. and South Asia. Recently, he conceptualized, designed and executed the Nepal Padayatra 2019, a walk across Nepal to bring attention to the continuing practice of untouchability and caste-based discrimination and generate practical, locally based solutions through interactions with hundreds of municipalities and thousands of individuals along the over-800 mile route.
In the U.S., he served in DC Government as a policy analyst for the Executive Office of the Mayor, working on numerous policy issues and initiatives and engaging with Washington, DC’s City Council, Public and Public Charter School Boards as needed.
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19. Jolly Amatya, internationally known youth leader, New York
Ms. Jolly Amatya is a young professional from Nepal who currently serves as the elected Administrator in the Secretariat of the United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth (UNMGCY), a constituency of 6000+ youth entities in over 170 countries consulting with over a billion youth.
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20. Kanchan Amatya, emerging youth leader, New York
Ms. Kanchan Amatya is an award winning international development professional, social entrepreneur, gender specialist, Forbes 30 under 30 list maker, recipient of the Presidential Honor Roll from U.S. President Bill Clinton and Diana Legacy Award 2020 from Prince Williams, Duke of Cambridge. She is appointed on the Global Board of UNICEF by its Executive Director Henrietta H. Fore. She currently works with UNICEF’s Generation Unlimited program that aims towards creating better education, skills, employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for young people worldwide.
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21. Kiran Chetry, Award-winning Nepali American journalist, former CNN Anchor, New York
Ms. Kiran Chetry is an award-winning Nepali American television journalist and one of the most famous Nepalis in the United States. For more than 2 decades Kiran worked as a National News Anchor and Reporter, including co-hosting CNN’s flagship morning show, American Morning between 2007-2011.
She also worked as a correspondent for NBC’s news magazine program Rock Center and reported for E! Entertainment. Kiran received 2 Peabody Awards, one Emmy citation and 2 Emmy Nominations for her work covering major national news stories. Prior to that she was one of the co-hosts on Fox News Channel’s #1 rated morning show “Fox and Friends” between 2001-2007.
As a graduate of University of Maryland, College Park, Kiran majored in Broadcast Journalism and got her start in TV working at several broadcast stations around the country.
Read her full introduction at:

22. Kiran “Ron” Sitoula, first Nepali American Vice Mayor, Town of Indian Head, Maryland.
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23. Lila Rai, Philanthropist, Entrepreneur, New York
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24. Manose Singh, Grammy award nominee Nepali American Flute Maestro, Musician, California
Nepalese musician and composer Manose Singh is Grammy award 2019 nominated musician. He is the first Nepali to accomplish such a feat on the world stage.
Singh has been nominated for 'Best New Age Album of The Year' for his album Deva, which he produced in collaboration with German musician Deva Premal and England’s Miten.
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25. Mohan Gyawali, Community leader, Entrepreneur, Texas
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26. Neelam Karki ‘Niharika’, first Nepali American Nepal’s pioneer literary award, Madan Puraskar winner author, North Carolina.
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27. Prabal Gurung, celebrated Nepali American Fashion Designer, New York.
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28. Pradip Dhakal, first Nepali American Council Member, Town of Herndon, Virginia
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29. Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya, Prominent Nepali traditional culture artist, Oregon
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30. Pralhad Pant, Dr., Professor Emeritus, University of Cincinnati (Ohio), Georgia,
Dr. Pant is the first Nepali American to receive an engineering Ph.D. from in the United States in 1980 and is also the first Nepali to teach engineering as a faculty member at a university in the United States.
Dr. Prahlad Pant is Professor Emeritus, University of Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr. Pant is the first Nepali to receive an engineering Ph.D. from a university in the United States in 1980 and is also the first Nepali to teach engineering as a faculty member at a university in the United States.
Dr. Pant is the Lead Founder of Nepalese American Council (NAC) which was established during the above-mentioned convention in 1991. When the worldwide NRN movement began in 2003, NAC acted as the NRN entity in the United States. In 2010, NAC's name was changed to NRN NCC USA so that the name was consistent with the names used by NRNs in other countries.
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31. Prem Raja Mahat, prominent folk singer and Honorary Consul General of Nepal, Maryland
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32. Rishi P. Dhakal, Entrepreneur, Honorary Consul General of Nepal, San Diego, California
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33. Sanjita Pradhan, former Advisor of President Obama Administration’s Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) Initiative, Iowa
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34. Shailesh Shrestha, Activist, New Jersey
Shailesh Shrestha is social activist and an Nepali ethnic media personality known for his Sampreshan Talk Show. Currently, he is working on the broader coalition of recently introduced legislation “Our City, Our Vote” in New York City Council. The legislation has been led by New York Immigration Coalition and United Neighborhood Housing, and he has been working with the coalition for three plus years as a steering committee member.
Shailesh has received multiple awards for his work in the Nepali community. In 2006, he was honored by the Human Rights Group of India NY with the Jewel of the Community Award for his dedication for the social, cultural, political causes of the Nepali community. He was also recognized by the United Sherpa Association USA in 2018 as a Nepali American Hero for his outstanding contribution in creating social awareness and continuous effort in advancement of NepaIi Community in the USA.
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35. Sonam Lama, Businessman, philanthropist and Vice president of NRNA ICC, New York
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36. Sukhadev Shah, Dr. (Posthumously), Senior Economist International Monetary Fund (IMF), Virginia
Dr. Sukhdev Shah was well-known Nepali scholar and served as a Senior Economist International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington, D.C. for 32 years. Dr. Shah died on 11 October, 2020 at the aged of 78 years due to severe heart attack. Dr. Shah was Professor in the Economics Department at Northern Virginia Community College, Virginia. He initially arrived in the USA to pursue his higher studies in 1967.
Dr. Shah is survived by his wife Mrs. Vijaya Shah, a daughter, a son, a son-in-law, and a granddaughter.
He was born in Yekrahi, Janakpur on January 9, 1942 in a middle class family. Dr. Shah graduated from Langat Singh College, Muzaffarpur, India in 1962. He earned his Masters in Economics from Tribhuvan University in 1967. Dr. Shah left the country for his further study and joined the University of Honolulu, USA in June, 1967 where he had completed his PhD in Economics in 1973. The same year, he had joined International Monetary Fund and retired as Senior Economist from IMF in 2002. During his tenure at IMF, he was involved in monitoring economic performances of various countries globally and arranging financial support in times of help, the first Nepalese with such status. He visited Nepal on several occasions during his Asia trip and understood Nepal’s economic situations and prospects. He also taught in the University of Fiji.
JP Sah wrote: "A very stern democrat, vocal about democracy during Panchayat system in Nepal. He met late BP Koirala in 1977 in USA when BP was under cancer treatment and followed his principle of ‘democracy and development’ – provided some financial help in treatment; became very close to Congress upper class but developed enmity with ruling class. After multi party democracy, he was offered Finance Minister post unanimously from Nepali Congress in 1991."
Dr. Shah once came into limelight when he was offered serving as Nepal’s Ambassador to USA but it was never materialized.
Note: Biography is being updated...

37. Uma Karki Thapa, woman activist, entrepreneur, Regional Women Coordinator, NRNA ICC Americans (2019-2021), California
Note: Biography is being updated...

38. Urgen Sherpa, Social activist, Community leader, President of United Sherpa Association USA, New York
Note: Biography is being updated...
Changemakers (Social Organizations)

1. Adhikaar, Immigrant rights organization, New York
New York’s star Nepali American women-led organization, Adhikaar is committed for Nepali-speaking community to access of resources, promote human rights and social justice for all.
Adhikaar has been in forefront for social justice fight for immigrants in New York for over a decade. Adhikaar was established by three Nepali American Luna Ranjit, Rashmi Shrestha and Srijana Shrestha and their friend, Tafadzwa Pasipanodya in 2005 with the seed money of just USD $500 but it now boasts an annual budget of over a million US dollars. It is now led by Executive Director Pabitra Khati Benjamin and Narbada Chhetri, Director of Organization and Advocacy and host of younger and energetic Nepali American women activists and professionals. Every year, it serves several hundred needy immigrants with English for Empowerment classes, Free Health Screening, Free legal Counseling, referrals, Health Insurance, CPR, Training for nannies and nail technicians, support and referrals for cases of stolen wages, workplace discrimination, labor trafficking, domestic violence and host of other immigrants work and rights while ensuring everyone gets a fair shot in any job market either domestic work, restaurant or nail salon.
Adhikaar is the community’s 411/311 information and referral service as it provides its social services to hundreds of thousand immigrants. Adhikaar has uniquely positioned itself as a gateway between the Nepali-speaking community and other social justice movements, elected officials and mainstream institutions.
Read more about it: http://www.adhikaar.org/how-we-do-it/

2. कोरोना विरूद्ध चेतना एवं सहयोग समूह, न्यू योर्क Team, New York
Nepal American community leaders-led this COVID-19 pandemic support group has been in forefront of relief efforts in New York area. Without waiting government orders or help, they have promptly mobilized volunteers and community resources to help COVID-19 effected community members and their families.

3. FIPNA (Federation of Indigenous Peoples of Nepal in America Team, New York
Federation of Indigenous Peoples of Nepal in America (FIPNA) has led its member organizations during COVID-19 pandemic crisis in New York. As the federation of more than 20 Nepali indigenous community organizations, it has effectively positioned itself for resource mobilization and reaching out to vast Nepali communities in New York area and provided essential services to COVID-19 victims and their families.

4. GMIN (Grassroot Movement in Nepal), New York
GMIN is a 501(c)3 registered nonprofit organization that works primarily to provide access to education for students in rural parts of Nepal that need it the most.
In 11 years of its existence, GEMIN has built 44 schools, 2 health centers, and 1 vocational training center in Nepal. After the earthquake of 2015 in Nepal GEMIN turned its energy into disaster relief and was able to reach 111 villages and 7,563 households and distribute mattresses, tarpauline covers and food.
Please visit www.gmin.us for more info.

5. GP Koirala Foundation Team, New York
GP Koirala Foundation for Democracy, Peace and Development (also known as GP Koirala Foundation) has greatly contributed during COVID-19 pandemic crisis in New York. It is able to find resources and made available through its members and volunteers.

6. Mitrata-Nepal Foundation for Children, Missouri
Mitrata-Nepal Foundation for Children (MNFC) is American-led a 501C3 non-profit organization based in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. MNFC is dedicated to helping underprivileged children in Nepal. MNFC provides educational opportunities for children along with shelter and medical care. It has operated since 2002 and work with its Nepal-based partner organization, Bhuvaneshwori Satyal Foundation (BSF) in Kathmandu.
MNFC raises awareness and funding for our educational and empowerment programs and college scholarship trust. It currently supports 120 children in Nepal on an annual budget of roughly $350,000 USD to cover Nepal and US operations while its 25 children have recently graduated and have had over 300 children participate in our programs who have benefited from our holistic approach to serving children and their families. They received university or vocational education as well as support services, such as counseling, to help them succeed in life.
During the recent Covid-19 pandemic, its partner staffs have been frontline workers, making sure that the children continue with their education and providing emergency supplies, and ensuring medical care and counseling to the families of our children.
Please visit its website www.mitrata.org for more information.
Mitrata-Nepal Foundation for Children (MNFC)
Board and Staff
USA Staff
Dr. Christine Schutz, Executive Director & Founder
Alexis Mead, Director of Development
Connie Colvis, Data Manager
Morgan Le Beige, Communications
USA Board Members
Jim Craig, President
Rick Hendin, Vice President
Mike Reed, Treasurer
Juliette Schmidt, Secretary
Ambrose Bittner
Dr. Pamela Caraffa
Dr. Sandra Hoffmann
Pam Hughes
Len Kannapell
Tracie Laramie
Urmila Panthi
Matt Plank
Jennifer Rashet
Jacquelynn Richmond
Dr. Pratistha Strong
Greg Weigandt
Cindy Whitney
Dr. Nancy Williger

7. Nepali Jana Samparka Samiti America, Central and Chapter Committees Team
Nepali Public Relation Committee (Nepali Jana Samparka Samiti America) has played pivotal role during COVID-19 pandemic crisis. It mobilizes its more than two dozens State Chapters and help fund relief efforts to COVID-19 victims and their families.

8. Nepal Youth Foundation, California
Nepal Youth Foundation (NYF) is a U.S. based nonprofit that works to provide Nepal’s most impoverished children what should be every child’s birthright: freedom, health, shelter and education. Since 1990, Nepal Youth Foundation has provided programs for over 50,000 children and youth, and over 66,000 adults have benefited from our awareness and education programs regarding health, nutrition and children’s rights.
Nepal Youth Foundation offers scholarships to underprivileged and disabled children from grade school to graduate school. Empowering Freed Kamlaris – We provide former Kamlaris (girls who worked as indentured house servants) with education, vocational training, psychological support services, advocacy and leadership skills training, and assistance in developing self-sufficiency. Vocational Education and Career Counseling – We help young people establish careers that can support themselves and their families. Malnutrition Prevention and Treatment – We restore the health of malnourished children while educating their mothers in nutrition and childcare. New Life Center – We provide life-prolonging treatment to impoverished children with HIV/AIDS, while teaching their caretakers about hygiene and nutrition. Ankur Counseling Center – This is the first psychological service clinic in Nepal specifically for children and adolescents. Children’s Homes – We provide nurturing home environments for orphans, children with disabilities, and those who were abandoned. Kinship Care – We provide monthly stipends so children can remain with family and attend local schools.
Please visit their website for for info: https://www.nepalyouthfoundation.org/about-us/
Nepal Youth Foundation (NYF)
Olga Murray (Founder, Honorary President)
Som Paneru, President
Greg Rosston (Treasurer)
Christopher T. Heffelfinger (Secretary)
Tanya Bodde (Director)
Gina Parker (Director)
Nick Prior (Director)
Stuart H. Harden (Director)
Ron Rosano (Director)
Angela D. Pal (Director)
Eric Talbert, U.S. Executive Director

9. NRN NCC of USA (All Chapters) Team
NRNA (Non-Resident Nepali Association) National Coordination Council, USA is umbrella organization of Nepali American in the United States. It has been leading COVID-19 pandemic crisis relief efforts in national and state levels through it chapters.

10. Overseas Nepali Unity Forum (ONUF), USA Team, New York
Overseas Nepali Unity Forum (ONUF) has been playing leading resource provider during COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Nepali American community has been greatly benefited by its bold steps.

11. Rotary Club of New York ‘Queens’, Nepali American-led Team
Nepali American-led team of Rotary Club of New York ‘Queens’ has played crucial role during COVID-19 pandemic crisis. The Club has mobilized its resources, helped connect with other organizations and volunteers that hugely benefited Nepali American community in need.

12. United Sherpa Association Inc. USA, New York
United Sherpa Association (also known as Sherpa Kyidug), New York is exemplary Nepali American community organization, pioneering for its successful cultural preservation and promotion, mobilization of its resources to its community members and their families. The Association had purchased a building in Queens, New York for $1.2 million in 2013 and converted into its prayer hall Gumba and community hall. The Gumba has opened its doors to several thousands devotees who visit every year. It has recently purchased 69 acres land in upstate New York, Wallkill for four hundred fifty thousands USD. The land will be used for cultural activities such as annual Lhapso festival celebration.
The Association has also played crucial role during COVID-19 pandemic crisis and helped thousands of Nepali community members and their families in need. It has mobilized its own vast resources and effectively partnered with governmental and social organizations to achieve the goal.
Please read this news, or, visit their website for more info at: https://www.sherpakyidug.org/
UNSUNG Heroes: We salute to them !

There are numerous unsung, unseen heroes in our Nepali American community that without their sacrifice, dedication, honesty, integrity and hard work we can't imagine a better, prosperous, harmonious American society. Here are the list of those Unsung Heroes:

13. Unsung Heroes: Nepali American Community Organizations & Community Leaders
We’re recognizing numerous unseen and unsung Nepali American Community Organizations & Community Leaders as ChangeMakers 2020 for their roles during COVID-19 crisis. Without their steadfast, selfless and fearless efforts and dedications our community would be left behind without assistance and greatly impacted.

14. Unsung Heroes: Nepali American Everest Summiteers
We’re recognizing numerous Nepali American Everest Summiteers who have conquered world’s tallest Mt. Everest, helped scaled others and set the world record. They are now Nepal Himalayas true goodwill ambassadors in the United States and so are our ChangeMakers 2020.

15. Unsung Heroes: Nepali American Healthcare Professionals, Frontline & Essential Workers
We’re recognizing Nepali American Doctors, Nurses, Healthcare Professionals, Frontline & Essential Workers who have worked bravely, tirelessly, sincerely and fearlessly providing lifeline services to COVID-19 victims and their desperate families. It’s almost impossible to mentioned individually of all those COVID-19 brave heroes but dedicating them with our ChangeMaker 2020, our salute goes to you!

16. Unsung Heroes: Nepali American Domestic Workers
We’re also recognizing our true goodwill ambassadors- our honest, hardworking Nepali American Domestic Workers who have shown time and again that they are the most trustworthy, sincere and hardworking members of American families. Without these sincere heroes and 24/7 works, American household can’t be run smoothly, raised children safely and maintain healthy community.

17. Unsung Heroes: Nepali American Patriots
Our this year’s last recognition but not least, goes to numerous unseen and unsung Nepali American Patriots who unconditionally support Nepal, their motherland’s cause and put their skill, innovation, sweat and toil to America, their dreamland while pursuing their American dream. They are the beacon of who we are in America. They’re us, they live by principal and stand tall for Nepali cause.
Nepalism.com's ChangeMakers is launched to recognize the trailblazers in our society. Nepalism.com's ChangeMakers (परिवर्तनका संवाहक) is an annual listing of individuals and organizations who have greatly contributed to the society, inspire others and shine.