नयाँ वर्ष सन् २०२० को हार्दिक शुभकामना! Happy New Year 2020 to all of our readers.
Nepalis from around the world have celebrated New Year 2020 with much fanfare. We wish this year may herald happiness, prosperity and peace on earth.

Read Nepalism.com’s special feature news on New Year Resolution wisdom by prominent social activist Bandana Rana:
खुशी हुने सुत्र: नयाँ वर्षको रिजोलुशन
#BeingHappy: New Year Resolution wisdom by Bandana Rana

"MAKE the BEST🌺 of TODAY. Tomorrow is not ascertained."
To our readers, we wish you all Happy New Year 2020. Be Happy, Stay positive. To lead a meaningful life with positivity, we are presenting ever growing popular #BeingHappy, happiness mantras written by Nepal's prominent social activist MS. Bandanaa Rana. She has been writing #BeingHappy wisdom hashtag (#) thread (now, more than 1,500 of them) on her Facebook wall every single day since 2015.
Ms. Bandana Rana has three decades of experience in promoting women’s rights and gender equality at the grassroots, national, regional and global level. Ms. Rana is currently Vice chair of UN Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) committee at United Nations and Chair of Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP). In 1992, she had co-founded Saathi, and currently the Strategic Director, a pioneer NGO working on violence against women and girls in Nepal. Ms. Rana worked with Nepal Television as editor/anchor for twenty years and founded Sancharika Samuha (Forum of Women in Media) and was its first elected president.
MS. Bandana Rana shares her spiritual journey with Nepalism.com by saying, "I believe that people’s ultimate goal is to be happy. In order to be happy one needs to have a positive mind. I have always been spiritually inclined and since 2015 August I have been posting a positive thought every morning with the #BeingHappy😊. My morning posts is like a workshop to me. It helps me to be focused, positive and strong throughout the day."
Read her New Year Resolution wisdom at: