Tribute: नेपालको आधुनिक चित्रकलाका वरिष्ठ कलाकार उत्तम नेपालीको ८४ वर्षको उमेरमा निधन भएकोछ। नेपालमा अमूर्त चित्रकलाका अग्रणी कलाकार उत्तमप्रशाद कर्माचार्य उर्फ उत्तम नेपालीले जुलाई २१ तारिख महानिर्वाण प्राप्त गरेका हुन्।
विकिपेडियाले उनको जिवनी र कार्यबारे उल्लेख हरेको छ:
“Uttam Prasad Karmacharya, better known as Uttam Nepali (Nepali: उत्तम नेपाली; 30 April 1937 – 21 July 2021), was a Nepali artist, writer, and actor. A modernist painter, he was one of the pioneers of abstract art and experimentation in Nepal. He was also instrumental in establishing formal art education in Nepal. He produced abstractionist, expressionist and surrealist paintings throughout the 1960s and 70s, which were exhibited throughout Asia.”