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Nepal Flag Raising Ceremony held in Jersey City, first in the USA & World

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Updated: Dec 14, 2020

Exclusive: New jersey: City of Jersey City from State of New Jersey, United States has become the first U.S. city which hoisted Nepal flag on atop its City Hall building on June 30, 2017. The City's charismatic Mayor Steven M. Fulop has hoisted Nepal flag amid applaud from cheerful members of Nepali American community. Mayor Fulop's Diversity and Inclusion Board Advisor Dr. Bishnu Maya Pariyar has played pivotal role during the process of the Nepal Flag Raising ceremony.

During the flag raising ceremony, Mayor Steven Fulop delivered his speech and released Proclamation for Nepal Flag Raising ceremony. In Proclamation, Mayor Fulop stated,

"WHERE AS, the City of Jersey City is proud to recognize Nepal and the Nepali Community in Jersey City during the Nepali Flag Raising Ceremony on Friday, June 30, 2017.

WHERE AS, on this day, the City of Jersey City and Members of the Jersey City Nepali Community will proudly display the flags of the United States and the Nepali Flag high above City Hall in recognition of our cherished cultural diversity here in Jersey City."

Mayor Fulop's Diversity and Inclusion Board Advisor Dr. Pariyar delivered her opening statement while Jersey City Nepali Community (JCNC) co-founder Pradeep Pariyar Thapa delivered his welcome speech. They thanked Mayor Fulop and his administration for enduring honor for Nepal and Nepali American community.

Know your Mayor:

Who is Steven Michael Fulop?

Mayor Steven Michael Fulop is the 48th and current Mayor of Jersey City, New Jersey – named the most diverse city in the nation. Mayor Fulop took office in 2013.

Mayor Fulop is a first-generation American, a lifelong New Jerseyan, a Marine, and a triathlete. He grew up in a Jewish family in Edison, New Jersey, the son of Romanian immigrants. His mother was the daughter of Holocaust survivors and worked in an immigration services office helping others gain citizenship. His father owned a delicatessen nearby in Newark, where Mayor Fulop worked behind the counter as a teenager.

Mayor Fulop graduated from Binghamton University in 1999 and spent time abroad studying at Oxford University in the UK. After college, he joined Goldman Sachs, the investment banking firm, working in Chicago and later in Manhattan and Jersey City. On the morning of September 11, 2001, Mayor Fulop was working in lower Manhattan when he saw the first plane strike the Twin Towers. A few weeks later, he decided to put his career at Goldman Sachs on hold and join the United States Marine Corps.

Mayor Fulop’s Reserve Unit deployed to Iraq in January 2003. There, he served as part of the 6th Engineer Support Battalion. He traveled into Baghdad during the early weeks of the war. In 2006, Mayor Fulop completed his service to the Marine Corps Reserve with the rank of Corporal.

In 2005, Mayor Fulop was first elected to public office as the councilman representing downtown Jersey City. He served as a councilman for eight years before becoming Mayor in 2013.

Read more about Mayor Fulop:

Exclusive: न्यू जर्सी- अमेरिकि भूमिमा पहिलो पटक नेपाली झण्डा फहराउने एतिहासिक झण्डोत्तोलन समारोह सम्पन्न भएको छ । नेपाल र नेपालीको सम्मानको लागि न्यू जर्सी राज्यको जर्सी सिटी सहरका मेयर स्टेभन फुलपद्वारा जुन ३० तारिख 'नेपालको झण्डा फहराउने दिवस' (Nepali Flag Raising Day) को आयोजना गरी सिटी हल भवनको प्रवेशद्वारको तेश्रो तल्लामा रहेको झण्डा फहराउने पोलमा अमेरिकी झण्डासंगै नेपाली झण्डा फहराराएर झण्डोत्तोलन गरी ईतिहास रचिएको छ। मेयर फुलपसंग झण्डोत्तोलन समारोहकी अभियन्ता, नेपाली समाजकि अगुवा एवं जर्सी सिटी डाईभर्सिटी एवं इनक्लुजन बोर्डकि सल्लाहकार डा. बिश्णुमाया परियार लगायत उपस्थित नेपालीहरु सहभागी भएका थिए । जर्सी सिटी सहर नेपालको झण्डा आफ्नो अफिसियल कार्यालय भवनमा फहराउने विश्वमै पहिलो अमेरिकि सहर बनेकोछ ।

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