Impact: नेपालको चितवन, धादिंग र गोर्खा जिल्लाको विकट ओडारहरूमा एक्लो जीवन बिताईरहेका चेपांग जनजाति आदिवासीहरूबारे निर्माण गरिएको डकुमेन्ट्री फिल्म The Cave Smile (ओडारको मुस्कान) का सात पात्रहरूको सहयोगार्थ न्यू योर्कमा संकलित अमेरिकी डलर $१,५०८ उक्त फिल्मकी निर्मात्री पार्वती भण्डारीलाई हस्तान्तरण गरिएकोछ। ओडारको मुस्कान डकुमेन्ट्री गतवर्षको नोवेम्बर १५ तारिख न्यू योर्क सहरस्थित ठमेल एनवाईसी नेपाली रेष्टुरेन्टमा प्रदर्शन गरिएको थियो। यसैबिच, उक्त डकुमेन्ट्रीका निर्देशक एवं अन्नपूर्ण दैनिकका सम्पादक अखण्ड भण्डारीले न्यू योर्कवासी नेपालीहरूबाट आफूले पाएको सद्भाव र डकुमेन्ट्रीका पात्रहरूको सहयोगको निम्ति आभार व्यक्त गरेकाछन्।
सहयोगदाताहरूको नाम र सहयोग राशी यसप्रकार रहेकोछः
१. बसन्ती राई $५००
२.युएसए एग्रो फार्म (प्रदीप+विष्णु) $२०१
३.सन्ध्या गुरूंग प्रधान $२००
४.विष्णु राना मगर $१५१
५.भिम पन्त $१०५
६.कुलदीप राना मगर $१००
७.पूर्णबहादुर पाईजा मगर $१००
८.दीप सागर बुढा मगर $१००
९.डा. शंकर बिसुन्के $५१
जम्मा USD $१,५०८

यो अनुदान रकम ओडारको मुस्कानका निर्देशक भण्डारीले डकुमेन्ट्रीका जीवित पात्रहरूलाई लत्ताकपडा र अन्य आवश्यक सामग्री प्रदान गर्ने जानकारी गराएकाछन्।
The Cave Smile
(ओडारको मुस्कान)
Please join the New York World Premiere of “The Cave Smile (ओडारको मुस्कान)” by Gobinda Prasad Bhandari (Akhanda Bhandari). This documentary is just 25 minutes long and Q&A after the screening.
Venue: Thamel NYC
63-14 Roosevelt Ave., Woodside, NY 11377
Date: Monday, November 15, 2021
Time: 7 pm EST
The Cave Smile is a documentation of a journey for searching smiles into the caves in Chepang villages of Chitwan, Dhading and Gorkha districts.
Chepang is one of the marginalized ethnic groups of Nepal. They are around seventy thousand in number who are deprived of land and property by the government. Most of them have to survive with wild yam, tuber, taro, nettle greens etc. They like to live in high hills and mountains. Some Chepangs are still living in the cave.
Not far from the capital Kathmandu, Chepangs have been living wild lives from generation to generation in high hills. One can easily conclude after visiting the place that there is no sign of government’s presence. Near the villages, there are no health posts. One has to walk for five hours on the grid street to reach school.
The Cave Smile is narrative descriptions of seven senior Chepangs who are found dwelling in terrific caves in the remote jungle along with representation of miserable livelihood of whole Chepang community during a month long thrilling trip.
But, they all always smile from the bottom of their heart! They are living happily.
This is a beauty of life, and the director has caught this.
Film Title: The Cave Smile
Director: Gobinda Prasad Bhandari (Akhanda Bhandari)
Producer: Parbati Ghimire Bhandari
Production Company: Media Tower Pvt. Ltd.
Total Running Time: 25 minutes
Writer: Gobinda Prasad Bhandari (Akhanda Bhandari)
Cinematographer: Bichitra paudel
Editor: Padam Timilsina
This is Thamel NYC and Nepalism.com presentation.