A Message from Ambassador DeLisi and Engage Nepal
Exclusive: You don’t need me to tell you what it means. Your email and Facebook posts will blow up with requests for help and Engage Nepal will likely be among them. But here is why.
Although we have committed ourselves to responding to the pandemic and its devastating impact on the people of our work cannot move forward without the help of donors. We have no independent wellspring of funding. Whether we will be able to feed a malnourished child, give them protection from the winter cold, or save them from the burden of being forced into child labor or early marriage — it’s all up to you.
And, as the pandemic continues to erode dreams for the future for so many in Nepal, we can be their beacon of hope.
But it is really all up to you. Will you transform your compassion into action?
We need your help to move forward with our year-end effort –- a partnership with HomeNet Nepal that will make a difference for vulnerable families and the children... in Shankharapur Municipality, high in the hills some 45 KM east of Kathmandu.
I’ve already offered the details of this particular effort in multiple places on my page on Facebook and on the Engage Nepal webpage at https://www.engagenepal.org/compassion-into-action
But, although the children of Shankharapur and their families are the embodiment of the crisis, they are not alone in facing a tough and very uncertain future. Communities across the country are facing similar severe and devastating hardships.
We will do all we can, wherever we can -- but we cannot do it without your help.
And, if you're willing to give, I will commit to you that every cent that you donate will go to the people of Nepal. Every. Cent.
The picture above is a shot of some the kids you will help with your donation. And these youngsters and others will always remember that someone cared; that they weren’t alone in a time of crisis.
Please. Act on Giving Tuesday.
Act for Nepal. Act for the kids.
You'll be glad you did.
Scott DeLisi
Ambassador (ret)
Executive Director
Engage Nepal