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USA Agro Farm welcome Susan Payne, ED of New Jersey State Agriculture Development Corporation

Updated: Jun 25, 2021

Updated: Exclusive: USA Agro Farm welcome Susan Payne who is the Executive Director of State Agriculture Development Committee, New Jersey State Agriculture Development Corporation (SADC) today at its farm location. Foodshed Alliance has arranged a field visit of its pilot organic agriculture program in Newton, NJ. USA Agro Farm is one of the 9 farmers who are committing a 10-years sustainable agriculture farming. Andover Township‘s Mayor Jenish McGovern, Foodshed Alliance’s Executive Director Kendrya Close, Foodshed Alliance’s Sustainable Agriculture Enterprise (SAgE) Program Manager Eric Derby were also participated at the field trip. USA Agro Farm’s Pradeep Pariyar Thapa shared his future growth plans of permaculture practice and goat raising at his farm.

New Jersey State Agriculture Secretary Doug Fisher who couldn’t attend the field trip, said about SAgE program, “Farmers in NJ really need a program like this. It would be great to see this project expand from an experiment to a replicable model throughout NJ.”

Goats raising business in the United States has potential to thrive. Meat goats annual importation in United States from Australia and New Zealand is $30 millions according to The American Goat Federation. New Jersey is home to largest goat meat consuming population while it doesn’t come even on top 30 states in terms of goats producing, hence, potential to make state as major player. New Jersey farmers can benefit from these factors.

युएसए एग्रो फार्मले न्यू जर्सी राज्यको न्युटनमा ८० रोपनी (१० एकड) कृषिभूमिमा अर्ग्यानिक कृषि अभियान थालनी गरेकोछ। संचारकर्मी प्रदीप परियार थापा मगरले उक्त अर्ग्यानिक फार्मको थालनी गरेका हुन्। ग़ैरसरकारी पहल र सरकारको स्वामित्वमा रहेको कृषिजन्य भूमिमा पाईलट परियोजनाको रूपमा शुरू गर्न लागिएको यो कृषि अभियान न्यू जर्सी राज्य र अमेरिकामै नौलो रपहिलो परियोजना हो।संचारकर्मी एवं आईटीविज्ञ थापाको परिवारको नेपालमा विगत २० वर्षदेखि अर्ग्यानिक कृषि संचालनमा छ।

दीगो कृषि बिना समाज र राष्ट्र आत्मनिर्भर बन्न नसक्ने तथ्यलाई मध्यनजर गर्दै USA Agro Farm को नामबाट शुरू गर्न लागेको अर्ग्यानिक कृषि त्यसैको सानो प्रयास हुनेछ। ८० रोपनी कृषियोग्य जग्गामा आगामी १० वर्षको लिज सम्झौतामा कृषि थालनी गरिएकोछ। सो समयावधि पछि पुनर्नविकरण गर्न सकिनेछ। साथै, थप जग्गा विस्तार गर्न सकिने योजना रहेको छ।

युएसए एग्रो फार्मको गत मे १ तारिख भूमि पूजा बौद्ध र सनातन हिन्दू परम्पराअनुसार सम्पन्न भैसकेकोछ।

USA Agro Farm ले प्रस्तुत गरेको नौलो कृषि परियोजनालाई गहन अवलोकनपछि Foodshed Alliance Inc ले छनौट गरी Sustainable Agriculture Enterprise (SAgE) परियोजना अन्तर्गत संचालन गर्ने अवसर प्रदान गरेको हो।

यो SAgE परियोजनामा Foodshed Alliance Inc. का अलावा Ridge and Valley Conservancy (RVC) (The Nature Conservancy) र न्यू जर्सी राज्य सरकारको कृषि विभाग State of New Jersey Agricultural Development Committee स्टेक होल्डर रहेका छन्।

युएसए एग्रो फार्मको वेवसाईट:

USA Agro Farm aims to become integral part of sustainable organic farming in the United States by positioning itself as one-stop farming platform for organic produce such as vegetables, fruits, medicinal and aromatic herbs/plants; pasture-field raised free range, cage-free live stocks such as goats and chicken. We bring our generations of farming spirit and expertise from Nepal to USA and strive to serve local community their healthy food choice and contribute to reduce food insecurity.

Our motto is, “Organic, Sustainable and Green”. We are committed to maintain permaculture so that our earth can sustain for future generations. Without sustainable farming practices we can’t envision an eco-friendly society as well as healthy individual, family, community and a prosperous nation as a whole.


Pradeep & Bishnu

USA Agro Farm, LLC’s co-promoters are Pradeep Thapa and Dr. Bishnu Maya Pariyar, Hon.D.Lit. They both come from generations of farmer families in Nepal. They are award-winning personalities in their respective fields of rural entrepreneurship, digital journalism and social advocacy in the United States and Nepal.

A Family Tradition

Mr. Pradeep Thapa is learned farming enthusiast as he comes from generational farming family in Nepal. He is also brand consultant, digital journalist and IT professional. He has 29 years of print and digital media experience in Nepal and USA and 18 years of web development, digital branding experience in India and USA. Currently, he is the Editor-in-Chief of

He plans to take the family farming tradition to next level with the help from his youngest bother Khadga Bir Thapa who has started modern sustainable agriculture farming in 2000.

Mr. Thapa’s father, a WWII war hero, late Insp. (SPFGC) Jit Bahadur Thapa Magar, IDSM, Burma Star (WWII) who became the first village chieftain of their native village Thulo Lumpek, Gulmi (Nepal) in 1962. After retiring from Singapore Police Force Gurkha Contingent (SPFGC) in 1959, he had taken agriculture farming training at famed Lumle Agriculture Research Center, Pokhara in 1960 which was funded by Kadoorie Charitable Foundation, Hong Kong.

Coincidentally, youngest of Thapa family, Khadga also had taken agriculture training from the same center. Khadga is now a leading agro entrepreneur and trainer in Nepal. He is also USAID's Master Trainer of Business Literacy Program for farmers (2015-2017). He is also one of the Top 10 Entrepreneurs (Farmers) of Daayitwa Enterprize Challenge 2015 Gulmi, Nepal.

Visit our Nepal farm site:

USA Agro Farm

Pradeep Pariyar Thapa





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