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जसले कोरोनालाई नजरअन्दाज गरे, उनकै कोरोना संक्रमणबाट मृत्यू !

Writer's picture:

Exclusive: उक्रेनका फिटनेस सेलिब्रिटी, ३३ वर्षीय दिमित्री सुजुक यस्तो हत्ताकट्ठा थिएकि उनको कोरोना महारोग संक्रमणबाट निधन होला भनेर कसैले विश्वास लाग्दैन। तर उनको कोरोना लागेको दशौं दिन असामयिक मृत्यू हुन पुग्यो। उनले कोरोना महारोगबारे विश्वास गर्दैनथे, यहीं बहुलठ्ठी र हेलचेक्रेयाई नै उनको मृत्यूको कारण बन्न पुग्यो। सविस्तार तलको समाचार लिंकमा पढ्नुहोस्:

तेत्तीस वर्षीय फिटनेस सेलिब्रिटी दिमित्री सुजुकलाई टर्कीमा छँदा कोरोना महारोग संक्रमण भएको र ८ दिनसम्म हस्पिटलाईजेसन पछि उनी आफ्नो देश उक्रेन फर्केर घरमा उपचार गरीरहेको कुरा उनले आफ्नो ईन्स्टाग्राम पोष्टमा उल्लेख गरेका थिए। उनले ६ दिन अघिको उक्त पोष्टमा कोरोनाबारे चेतावनी दिंदै भनेका थिए-‘I want to share how I got sick and strongly warn everyone: I also thought that there was no covid, and this is all relative. Until I got sick. COVID-19 IS NOT A SHORT-LIVED DISEASE! And it is heavy.’ उनले आफ्नो स्वास्थ्यमा सुधार बन्दै गएको कुरा आफ्नो लामो पोष्टको अन्तमा लेखेका थिए जुन उनको अन्तिम भनाई र पोष्ट बन्न पुग्यो-‘My condition is stable.’ तर ४ दिन अघि उनकी २५ वर्षीय मोडेल एवं पूर्व पत्नी सोफिया सुजुकले दिमित्रीको निधन भएको आफ्नो ईन्स्टाग्राम पोष्टमा उल्लेख गरिन्- ‘Dima is no longer with us. His heart could not stand.’ अघिल्लो पोष्टमा उनले दिमित्रीको मुटु सम्बन्धी रोग रहेको उल्लेख गरेकीथिईन्।

यि दम्पत्तीको ३ ससाना सन्तान छन्।

कोरोना महारोगबाट विश्वभर ४ करोड ४ लाखभन्दा बढीलाई संक्रमण भएकोछ भने ११ लाख १९ हजारभन्दा बढीको मृत्यू


पढ्नुहोस् दिमित्री र सोफियाको ईन्स्टाग्राम पोष्ट:



As you all know from the stories, I have Coronavirus. Today, after returning home, for the first time there was an enthusiasm for at least writing something. I want to share how I got sick and strongly warn everyone: I also thought that there was no covid, and this is all relative. Until I got sick. "COVID-19 IS NOT A SHORT-LIVED DISEASE! And it is heavy. But first things first.

How was it?

I felt bad on the second day in Turkey. I woke up in the middle of the night because my neck was swollen and it was hard to breathe. At the same time, my stomach ached a little.

The next day, a cough began to appear, but there was no temperature. There were no particular symptoms of the disease either, so I thought that these could be consequences after playing sports, changing the climate and nutrition, and plus sleeping under air conditioning.

After returning from Turkey, I immediately went to take various tests, do an ultrasound scan and, just in case, decided to take a COVID test. It turned out to be positive😔

The next day I went to do CT. I was prescribed treatment and began to insist on hospitalization. This is another story, because now there are renovations going on, the hospital is completely filled with people, some of them live in the corridor There is no food, no paper, no cutlery either! Nobody warned me about this. A separate post will be devoted to medicine in our country - well, it deserves it.


I was prescribed a course of treatment and told that I needed to continue it. They gave me an oxygen apparatus for breathing, since I have a low oxygen level (although I think it is considered critical after 90, for me 94-96 it is quite permissible for treatment at home, the doctor in the waiting room told me the same thing😄).

☝🏻 Taking into account all these factors, I decide that it will be more convenient and comfortable for me to be in remote care at home, where I have all the conditions for normal treatment. In the end, I can always go to the right services. She is at home, as they say, and the walls heal🙌🏻

My condition is stable.”

6 days ago Instagram


“I came to you as a little 19-year-old Sonechka, and left as an adult and independent Sofia Stuzhuk.

Yes, we didn’t have a good relationship. Yes, there were many problems.

But this relationship gave us so much🙏🏻

We have lived and experienced so much with you. You were there in sorrow and in joy.

You taught me so much.

For the rest of my life I will remain grateful to you for our three beautiful children

For all the invaluable experience

And for who I have become with you.

You met me very young. An ordinary 19-year-old girl, a 2nd year student. He loved me as best he could. I took it to myself and took care of it as best I could.

You gave me so many lessons.

I grew up with you. You and I became the mother of three beautiful children and even one heavenly one. I learned to make important decisions with you. I learned with you to be an adult and independent. I became self-sufficient with you. I found my injuries and pains with you. I found something to work on. I found points of growth. I transformed madly.

I became Sofia Stuzhuk.

I constantly came up with something new and changed my mind a million times, and you accepted everything.

You agreed to any of my moves mostly with enthusiasm.

He always supported any of my ideas, always listened, listened and tried to understand.

You were with me in the most difficult and most beautiful moments of my life.

You and I have had the most wonderful experience in the world of the birth of our children. And your support has been invaluable.

Yes, you have never been friends with the camera and you yourself told me about it.

But in life you always guided me and often gave me the necessary and wise advice🙏🏻 We

have 6 years of full of events behind us. Dozens of travels, a lot of emotions.

Lord, how bitter it is to me that you did not listen to me about

health🙏🏻 But we always respected each other's choices❤️

We were no longer together, but it hurts me no less.

I'm so sorry

I'm very sorry

Thank you for everything, my important person, my main teacher, my guide, the father of my children

You are our guardian angel and your love will always protect our angels

How painful it is to realize

Bright memory for you, Dima Stuzhuk 🙏🏻”

3 days ago on Instagram

माथिका दुई पोष्टहरू गुगल ट्रान्सलेसन प्रयोग गरी प्रकाशित गरिएको हो।


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