को बन्ला फिप्ना महासंघकौ भावी अध्यक्ष?
Who will be next FIPNA President?
न्यू योर्क शहरमा डेढ दर्जनभन्दा बढी सामाजिक संघसंस्थाहरूको महासंघ फिप्नाको भावी अध्यक्ष चुन्न स्वस्थ बहसमा भागलिनुहोस्।
Let’s take part in a healthy conversation to choose the right candidate to lead New York City-based Nepali federation organization FIPNA. This is the umbrella community organization that has almost two dozen member community organizations as its affiliates which help shaped the fabric of Nepali cultural identity in New York City.
Join the conversation.